A New Hope
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The release of version 2.0 was not as smooth as we had hoped, far from it actually. Obviously there is a lot of work to do, but we are on it! We hope you will be patient with us. We truly are sorry for all the problems. A lot of the problems are due to the fact that iCheckMovies 2.0 is a massive rewrite of the previous engine. This rewrite was an absolute necessity, as things were started to get harder and harder to add to the website. iCheckMovies 2.0 allows us to add features and fix bugs far easier, with the second part already coming in handy ;)
At this moment, we have already received tons of feedback. If there is something you don't like, that is valuable for us to hear about. However, please explain us why you don't like it. Remember, we take user input very seriously! A lot of things were changed due to the feedback we received by the beta testers. We will change things based on your feedback, remember that!
Internally, we use a website (Trello.com) to keep track of our work items. Items are grouped in lists and lists are combined into boards. Using Trello has greatly helped us in our development process. The nice thing is, we have made our iCheckMovies Trello board public! That means that you get to see what we are doing, will be doing and already have done. You can find the board here: iCheckMovies board. The list names speak for themselves we think. There is a separate board for every version we release, which is great to see the progress we have made. You can find this board here: iCheckMovies releases board.
Once again, thanks for all the feedback. For the next couple of weeks/months, we will focus on fixing everything that is broken and improving things where necessary. We will also be doing blog posts of new or improved features (such as the new progress page).
The iCheckMovies team
- Date
- 29 December, 2011
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