Charts: Profiles

This page shows you the profile charts. The position of a user in the charts is determined by how many movies that user has seen that are currently in at least one of the official top lists. The calculated rankings are updated every day. You can also sort by other information, such as the total number of awards a user has gained or the number of top lists added by the user.


  1. 901 -
    VagueVisages's avatar


    3047 top list checks (3784 checks in total), 0 favorites 3047 toplist checks
  2. 901 -
    xinet's avatar


    3047 top list checks (4145 checks in total), 25 favorites 3047 toplist checks
  3. 903 -
    TomTestinger's avatar


    3042 top list checks (5562 checks in total), 238 favorites
    3042 toplist checks
  4. 904 -
    porzano's avatar


    3040 top list checks (4290 checks in total), 0 favorites 3040 toplist checks
  5. 905 -
    Scoobyjay's avatar


    3038 top list checks (5796 checks in total), 190 favorites 3038 toplist checks
  6. 906 -
    wmvankoppen's avatar


    3037 top list checks (6004 checks in total), 196 favorites 3037 toplist checks
  7. 907 -
    jackripper's avatar


    3032 top list checks (3317 checks in total), 32 favorites 3032 toplist checks
  8. 908 -
    ethanves's avatar


    3031 top list checks (3139 checks in total), 1 favorites 3031 toplist checks
  9. 908 -
    tchuly's avatar


    3031 top list checks (6009 checks in total), 84 favorites 3031 toplist checks
  10. 910 -
    Linke Loetje's avatar

    Linke Loetje

    3030 top list checks (4582 checks in total), 601 favorites 3030 toplist checks
  11. 911 -
    DrPuppykicker's avatar


    3029 top list checks (3850 checks in total), 71 favorites 3029 toplist checks
  12. 912 -1
    Bu Lai En's avatar

    Bu Lai En

    3028 top list checks (3867 checks in total), 687 favorites 3028 toplist checks
  13. 912 -1
    cameron712's avatar


    3028 top list checks (3998 checks in total), 0 favorites 3028 toplist checks
  14. 914 -
    Superdave's avatar


    3028 top list checks (3765 checks in total), 0 favorites 3028 toplist checks
  15. 915 -
    Maltemania's avatar


    3022 top list checks (7382 checks in total), 5655 favorites 3022 toplist checks
  16. 916 -
    grandcosmo's avatar


    3021 top list checks (5362 checks in total), 8 favorites 3021 toplist checks
  17. 916 -
    Nolaw's avatar


    3021 top list checks (10058 checks in total), 1 favorites 3021 toplist checks
  18. 918 -
    nataliabecerra's avatar


    3019 top list checks (3495 checks in total), 131 favorites 3019 toplist checks
  19. 919 -1
    Kynan's avatar


    3016 top list checks (4046 checks in total), 0 favorites 3016 toplist checks
  20. 920 -1
    epicureanlotus's avatar


    3018 top list checks (3591 checks in total), 107 favorites 3018 toplist checks
  21. 921 -1
    MikeROG's avatar


    3015 top list checks (5215 checks in total), 0 favorites 3015 toplist checks
  22. 922 -
    PedroVitor's avatar


    3014 top list checks (3475 checks in total), 586 favorites 3014 toplist checks
  23. 923 -
    AlexFrithAuthor's avatar


    3013 top list checks (3290 checks in total), 110 favorites
    3013 toplist checks
  24. 923 -
    luismitrek's avatar


    3013 top list checks (4950 checks in total), 12 favorites 3013 toplist checks
  25. 925 -
    moldypoldy's avatar


    3010 top list checks (6678 checks in total), 100 favorites 3010 toplist checks
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Showing items 901 – 925 of 214014