Charts: Profiles

This page shows you the profile charts. The position of a user in the charts is determined by how many movies that user has seen that are currently in at least one of the official top lists. The calculated rankings are updated every day. You can also sort by other information, such as the total number of awards a user has gained or the number of top lists added by the user.


  1. 926 -1
    MrW's avatar


    2996 top list checks (3486 checks in total), 507 favorites 2996 toplist checks
  2. 927 -
    kastenm's avatar


    2994 top list checks (6188 checks in total), 123 favorites 2994 toplist checks
  3. 928 -
    LouGeese's avatar


    2993 top list checks (4542 checks in total), 2 favorites 2993 toplist checks
  4. 928 +2
    Robert B's avatar

    Robert B

    2993 top list checks (3502 checks in total), 276 favorites 2993 toplist checks
  5. 928 -
    tomjand's avatar


    2993 top list checks (7960 checks in total), 26 favorites
    2993 toplist checks
  6. 931 -
    Log Lady's avatar

    Log Lady

    2990 top list checks (3851 checks in total), 104 favorites 2990 toplist checks
  7. 932 +1
    Asiklassi's avatar


    2988 top list checks (4149 checks in total), 670 favorites 2988 toplist checks
  8. 932 -1
    Superdave's avatar


    2988 top list checks (3701 checks in total), 0 favorites 2988 toplist checks
  9. 934 -
    Ginwen's avatar


    2987 top list checks (4194 checks in total), 76 favorites 2987 toplist checks
  10. 934 -
    Metaller's avatar


    2987 top list checks (3627 checks in total), 193 favorites 2987 toplist checks
  11. 936 -
    overt13's avatar


    2986 top list checks (6293 checks in total), 20 favorites 2986 toplist checks
  12. 937 -
    genghiskhannie's avatar


    2984 top list checks (3799 checks in total), 83 favorites 2984 toplist checks
  13. 937 +3
    jackripper's avatar


    2984 top list checks (3267 checks in total), 32 favorites 2984 toplist checks
  14. 937 -
    jotijoti's avatar


    2984 top list checks (4653 checks in total), 2 favorites 2984 toplist checks
  15. 940 -1
    ecnerwal's avatar


    2983 top list checks (4242 checks in total), 3 favorites 2983 toplist checks
  16. 941 -1
    Shaunage's avatar


    2982 top list checks (4161 checks in total), 197 favorites 2982 toplist checks
  17. 942 -
    mjf314's avatar


    2977 top list checks (4376 checks in total), 152 favorites 2977 toplist checks
  18. 943 -
    rghelbereu's avatar


    2976 top list checks (3431 checks in total), 58 favorites 2976 toplist checks
  19. 944 -
    UncompromisingFilms's avatar


    2976 top list checks (3879 checks in total), 18 favorites 2976 toplist checks
  20. 945 -
    burdenofhope's avatar


    2974 top list checks (5390 checks in total), 0 favorites 2974 toplist checks
  21. 945 -
    sienel's avatar


    2974 top list checks (6803 checks in total), 79 favorites 2974 toplist checks
  22. 947 -
    Sands's avatar


    2972 top list checks (4908 checks in total), 203 favorites 2972 toplist checks
  23. 948 -
    MikeROG's avatar


    2971 top list checks (5072 checks in total), 0 favorites 2971 toplist checks
  24. 949 +4
    epicureanlotus's avatar


    2968 top list checks (3537 checks in total), 107 favorites 2968 toplist checks
  25. 949 -1
    Monteyn's avatar


    2967 top list checks (3767 checks in total), 579 favorites 2967 toplist checks
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Showing items 926 – 950 of 213364