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iCM Forum's Favourite Balkan Films
Favs/dislikes: 16:0. The list created from a poll of members of the unofficial icheckmovies forum. This list contains all the films that received over 100 points (equal to one first place vote) and received 2 or more votes. If you would like to contribute to a future version of this list, please send me an icheckmovies or IMDb list with your choices. For a full list of the films nominated, please see : -
Mubi Forum's Favorite Balkan Films
Favs/dislikes: 15:0. This is a list of the best Balkan films, as voted by members of the Mubi Forum in 2013. See [url=]this thread[/url] for the ballots and the list of eligible countries. -
Favs/dislikes: 11:0. NAJBOLJI HRVATSKI FILMOVI SVIH VREMENA (izbor kritičara) (anketa časopisa Hollywood objavljena u br. 50/1999) -
Istanbulfilm's Balkan cinema lists
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. A list of films compiled from various Balkan countries. Most countries are represented with various standouts from their respective national cinemas. Albania (1-8), Bosnia and Herzegovina (9-17), Bulgaria (18-48), Croatia (49-62), Greece (63-91), Macedonia (92-102), Romania (103-134), Serbia (135-171), Slovenia (172-183) -
Pula Film Festival - Big Golden Arena Award - Best Film
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. The Pula Film Festival (Croatian: Festival igranog filma u Puli) is the oldest Croatian film festival which is held annually in a Roman amphitheater known as the Pula arena since 1954. The festival is usually held in the summer, in July or August. Apart from film screenings open to the public, the annual Croatian film industry awards are also traditionally presented at the festival. The awards presented at the festival (called Golden Arenas) are the main national film awards in the country and they serve as the Croatian equivalent of the American Academy Awards, British BAFTA Awards, Spain's Goya Awards, France's César Award, etc. The festival was originally started in 1954 and within a few years it became the centerpiece event of the Yugoslav film industry, with first national awards being presented in 1957. This lasted until 1991, when the festival was cancelled due to the breakup of Yugoslavia, only to resume in 1992 as the Croatian film awards festival. It has been held every year since (with the exception of the 1994 edition which was also cancelled). [Wikipedia] -
Pula Film Festival - Big Golden Arena Award
Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The Pula Film Festival is the oldest Croatian film festival which is held annually in a Roman amphitheater known as the Pula arena. The festival was originally started in 1954 and within a few years it became the centrepiece event of the Yugoslav film industry, with first national awards being presented in 1957. This lasted until 1991, when the festival was cancelled due to the breakup of Yugoslavia, only to resume in 1992 as the Croatian film awards festival. It has been held every year since (with the exception of the 1994 edition which was also cancelled). The awards presented at the festival, called Golden Arenas, are the main national film awards in the country and they serve as the Croatian equivalent of the American Academy Awards, British BAFTA Awards, Spain's Goya Awards, France's César Award, etc. The Big Golden Arena for Best Film is the festival's main prize.