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iCMFF 1 - List of all feature films
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Full list of feature films that are the part of the first annual ICM Forum's Film Festival (2017) Films.....Category ------------------------ 01-10.....Main Slate 11-16.....English-Language Independents 17-21.....International I [Europe, North America, South America] (but only European films have featured) 22-26.....International II [Asia, Africa, Oceania] 27-29.....Animation 30-33.....LGBT 34-37.....Arthouse 38-42.....Documentary 43-47.....Just Before Dawn [Horror] -
250 Favourites (2024)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Favourite films compiled for the 2024 edition of ICM Forum's Favourite Movies poll.