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1983 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
1986 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
1990 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. -
1993 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. -
20 Amazing Slow-Paced Movies You Shouldn’t Miss
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Some of the best, and most obvious, advice to give anyone trying to get into cinema is to just be patient, and pay attention at all times. It is axiomatic for sure, but this advice is even more prevalent when considering slow, meandering cinema. It can be tempting to wander off and lose focus, but remaining diligent is what is going to provide the best understanding and enjoyment of the content over anything else. The history of slow cinema runs the gauntlet of auteur legends such as Carl Theodor Dreyer, Ingmar Bergman, Chantal Akerman, Yasujiro Ozu, and Michelangelo Antonioni. Since the infamous boos and jeers directed towards the groundbreaking L’Avventura at Cannes, slow film has always seemed to have an uphill struggle to find a proper home. Now many filmmakers are applauded for such “relentless” pacing. In fact, from an academic and historical point-of-view, slow film is entirely antithetical to classical style filmmaking. Old (and new) films are dominated by successive cutting, varying of shots/angles, and utilizing the Kuleshov effect to its fullest for easier plotting. Usually classic Hollywood films did this so the editor could cover up any mistakes or discrepancies. Now it seems as if newer, mainstream films are vying for audience attention with as much visual stimuli as possible. However, many slow films like to have the mise-en-scène at such a minimum to where it seems as if nothing is happening. Some directors have a preference for keeping the camera at a long or medium-long shot to maintain verisimilitude, letting the scene play out in sequence. There are many fantastic slow films, but these 20 films are emblematic of what the style/technique has to offer. -
2000 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
2005 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
2010 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
2011 in Film
Favs/dislikes: 32:1. Referenced to IMDb releases of the year. * Based on U.S. theatrical releases(re-release) only. * Excludes: Shorts, direct-to-DVD, and films without an IMDb page. * Sorted by release date(Jan->Dec). -
2012 in Film
Favs/dislikes: 43:4. Referenced to IMDb releases of the year(there's no direct link to all in one source). * Based on U.S. theatrical releases(re-release) only. * Excludes: Shorts, direct-to-DVD, and films without an IMDb page. * Sorted by release date(Jan->Dec). -
2013 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. -
2014 (Highest Rated IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. 2014 movies with over 5 000 votes and an IMDb rating of 7.5 or more. -
2015 (Most Popular IMDb Movies)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
All war movies ever made (1914-1975)
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. This is a list of all movies tagged with war at IMDb. Minimum number of votes to enter this list is 100. Feature films, videos and TV releases are included. Documentaries, shorts and TV series are excluded. Here's 1976-present: Updated: Oct. 8. 2014 -
All war movies ever made (1976-present)
Favs/dislikes: 9:0. This is a list of all movies tagged with war at IMDb. Minimum number of votes to enter this list is 100. Feature films, videos and TV movies are included. Documentaries, shorts and TV series are excluded. Here's 1914-1975: Updated: Oct. 8. 2014 -
An alternative IMDb Top 250: the "favoritest" movies relative to era
Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Number of high IMDb votes (8–10) multiplied by a factor based on the half-decade of the film's release. This weights older films more based on the fewer votes being cast for their movie peers, but serves to highlight movies that are disproportionately watched based on their era. These are the populist greats that stand out among titles from the same time. -
CFB's 100 Important Directors of Animated Short Films
Favs/dislikes: 35:1. 100 Important Directors of Animated Short Films: Background This list of 100 important directors of animated short films was assembled in late 2008 to serve as a complement to “Brief Encounters,” a proposed list of 250 great short films (both animated and live-action) which was to be developed by the folks at the They Shoot Pictures, Don’t They? website. Unfortunately, that 250-film list is in limbo, leaving our list without a home. The “100 Important Directors of Animated Short Films” list is not intended to be comprehensive. These are simply 100 directors whom we feel are important and deserving of increased recognition by film lovers. For each director, we selected three “highly recommended” movies. In addition, we included a category of “TSPDT 250 Greatest Shorts” to highlight any of these directors’ films which were tentatively slated to place on the abandoned Brief Encounters list. This project was facilitated by Lee Price (lee-109) on the IMDb Classic Film message board. Project team: Lee Price, Robert Reynolds (Illtdesq), Jorge Didaco (jdidaco), Bill Kamberger (bkamberger), and Rob Tomshany (RobT-2), with additional input from animation fans on the IMDb Classic Film message board. -
Favs/dislikes: 0:1. -
FG's From the Depths of Obscurity - 2013 Edition
Favs/dislikes: 33:0. -
FG's Top 1000 - 2013 Edition
Favs/dislikes: 24:0. -
FG's top 1000 (first edition)
Favs/dislikes: 19:1. Original version (May 2012) Conducted by having 75 FGers submit their vote histories. Films ranked by average rating (9.33-7.75), with a required minimum of 8 votes. Credit for this list should go to Gloede (organizer), The Magician (script), Serriform (spreadsheet), and the FGers who did all the voting. -
Films by Luc Besson
Favs/dislikes: 16:0. Feature films written and/or directed by Luc Besson. Sorted by IMDb rating. -
Highest Grossing Documentaries from 1995 - 2013
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. As part of my dissertation for my film course, I analysed recent documentaries from 1995 - 2013 and discovered that there was no such list on this site. The ratings are based on the figures from,, and -
ICM Forum's Top 200 Obscure Feature Films
Favs/dislikes: 25:0. Our highest rated feature films with 2-4 votes, from IMDb vote histories provided by 65 members. Ties are sorted chronologically. List of 1000 highest rated films with 5 or more voters can be found [url=]here[/url]. An extended list of #1001-#2000 can be found [url=]here[/url]. And the original board thread [url=]here[/url]. Thanks to themagician for organising and calculating it all! -
Imdb - Top 50 Gay themed movies
Favs/dislikes: 6:1.
Showing items 1 – 25 of 86