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iCheckMovies allows you to check many different top lists, ranging from the all-time top 250 movies to the best science-fiction movies. Please select the top list you are interested in, which will show you the movies in that list, and you can start checking them!
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1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die On Netflix Instant
Favs/dislikes: 24:0. All movies from the '1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die' list that are available for streaming on Netflix Instant. -
Beste films Netflix top 100
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Beste films Netflix top 100 -
House of Cards (2013) Episodes
Favs/dislikes: 4:2. A list of all House of Cards (2013) episodes. The third season of this critically acclaimed series will be available on Netflix this 27th of February. -
ICheckMovies Most Listed on Netflix Instant
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. The movies in the most lists on iCheckMovies which are currently streaming on Netflix Instant watch. Right now these are all the movies in 15 or more lists. I plan on expanding this later. This list used iCM user zythux original list as a base source, available here: -
IMDB Top 1000 on Netflix Instant Watch
Favs/dislikes: 27:1. All the movies on the IMDB top 1000 which are currently available on Netflix Instant Watch. This list used iCM user's lampadatriste IMDB top 1000 list as a base source. -
IMDb Top 250 on Netflix
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Films from the IMDb Top 250 that are currently streaming on Netflix Instant in the United States. Thanks to bcacace, who maintains the list on IMDb (see source link at bottom). -
Movies in the catalog of Netflix Mexico
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. -
Netflix movies (UK)
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. There are already several lists on iCheckMovies of films available on Netflix. Unfortunately they have a tendency to be incomplete and quickly become out of date. This is an attempt to make a more comprehensive and semi-automated version. A program scrapes data from of everything available on Netflix, and then cross-references the title and year against a list of films that meet a set of criteria for notability or interest (including every movie that is an official check). I will try to update the list every month or two. -
Netflix Nederland
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. alle films van Netflix Nederland -
Netflix Nederland 2017
Favs/dislikes: 4:0. -
Netflix Original Documentaries
Favs/dislikes: 4:0. -
Netflix Original Films
Favs/dislikes: 32:0. A list of all original feature films produced and/or distributed by Netflix. -
Netflix Original Movies 2016
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. A list of all the original films distributed by Netflix in 2016 (US and international). -
Netflix Original Movies 2017
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. A list of all the original films distributed by Netflix in 2017 -
Netflix Original Movies 2018
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. A list of all the original films distributed by Netflix in 2018 -
Netflix UK - full streaming catalogue in top lists
Favs/dislikes: 17:0. All films currently in Netflix UK catalogue that are in any official top lists, sorted by the number of official top lists they are in. [I now trim the list to only those that are in any official top lists because ICM was creaking under the load of such a huge list] -
Netflix's 50 All-Time Most Rented Movies
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. It's been a wonderful quarter century of sending movies all across America. Here are the 50 all-time most rented movies from the history of DVD Netflix. These are the films that millions and millions of you have rented! -
Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 on Netflix
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The films from the top 100 highest rated movies of all time from Rotten Tomatoes that are currently streaming on Netflix Instant in the United States. Thanks to bcacace, who originated and maintains the source list on IMDb (see source link at bottom). Here is the link to the complete top 100: -
top 30 netflix instant 2012
Favs/dislikes: 1:1. my original list has the documentary, 'the eyes of me' as another movie on the list. however, it was replaced by 'primal fear' on this list. i recommend both films. -
Top Foreign Films on Netflix Instant
Favs/dislikes: 7:1. This list is culled from the official iCM foreign language lists (Italian, French, Russian, Latin, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Indian). All listed are currently available for Netflix Instant streaming -
U.K. Netflix Original & Distributed Movies
Favs/dislikes: 3:0. A list of films which are either Netflix Originals movies or exclusive distribution movies in the U.K. catalogue