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Fandor 100 Essential Chinese Movies
Favs/dislikes: 10:0. Among the many recent additions to the Fandor catalog, I am most excited by several classic Chinese films that I consider to be among the very best to have ever been made in that language: The Big Road, Street Angel (a film I love so dearly that I modeled my wedding photos after some of its iconic shots), Crossroads, Spring in a Small Town, to name a few. The sight of these titles got me thinking: what are the essential movies that anyone curious about Chinese cinema needs to see? The following video of 50 essential Chinese language films – and expanded list of 100 essential films found further below – is my attempt at an answer. -
Total Film's 50 Greatest Foreign Language Films
Favs/dislikes: 22:0. Spanish spooks, French gangsters and a bug-eyed child-killer...