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Children and war
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. Films about war's effect on children. (Excluding fantasy and science fiction. Not a list of films for children.) This is a preliminary list, in need of fine-tuning. Suggestions and comments welcome. -
Dennis Grunes: A short chronology of world cinema
Favs/dislikes: 52:0. Films listed in Grunes' 2010 book by that title. His selections have a decidedly leftist sociopolitical slant. Notes: 1. For some reason IMDb won't let me add "Diavolo in corpo" (1986), but I managed to add it via ICM at the end. 2. For "September 11" (2002) Grunes specifies the final segment by Shohei Imamura. 3: Not found on IMDb: "Here and perhaps elsewhere" (Houna wa noubbama hunak, 2003) by Lamia Joreiga; "Passages" (2005) by Jon Jost. -
Indigenous narratives
Favs/dislikes: 11:0. The list deals with films in which the indigenous perspective is at the forefront. It does not include films in which indigenous cultures or people are primarily presented through a majority perspective. Additionally, films in which the primary focus is on non-natives and how they somehow get educated/enlightened by encountering indigenous people are excluded. Here "indigenous people" is defined as "a people with their own language and distinctive cultural traditions still practiced, the original inhabitants of a geographical territory but now a minority relative to the dominant culture of their country." Shorts & Features: 1-28: Indigenous peoples in Latin America 29-49: Aboriginal Australians 50-70: The Maori 71 -111: North American Indians 112-145: The Inuits 146-147: The Sami 148-151: Various Documentaries: 152-155: Papua New Guinea 156-163: Aboriginal Australians 164-167: The Maori 168-238: North American Indians 239-281: The Inuits 282-284: The Sami 285-287: Indigenous peoples in Latin America -
Long films on official lists (3 hours or longer)
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. -
Oddball favorites
Favs/dislikes: 8:1. A personal list of lesser-known movies I've seen and liked over the past fifty years. Order: Foreign language, UK/Ireland, Canada, Australia/NZ, US. -
Taviani brothers filmography
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. -
Top 100 East European films
Favs/dislikes: 32:1. 44 Polish, 17 Czech, 14 Sebian/Bosnian/Croatian, 12 Hungarian, 7 Romanian, 4 Bulgarian/Macedonian, 1 Slovakian and 1 Armenian Film. Created by Minalex.