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iCheckMovies allows you to check many different top lists, ranging from the all-time top 250 movies to the best science-fiction movies. Please select the top list you are interested in, which will show you the movies in that list, and you can start checking them!
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iCheckMovies's Top 250
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Top 250 of the films with the most appearances in top lists. -
iCheckMovies's Top 250 On Most Official Lists
Favs/dislikes: 6:0. -
Films with the Most Oscar Nominations
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. 1-3 (14 nominations) 4-14 (13 nominations) 15-31 (12 nominations) 32-57 (11 nominations) 58-102 (10 nominations) 103-136 (9 nominations) 137-204 (8 nominations) 205-304 (7 nominations) 305-415 (6 nominations) -
Sight & Sound 2022 Poll - Top Films of the 21st Century
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. From the combined list of critics and directors 19-24 (19 votes) 25-27 (18 votes) 28-30 (16 votes) 31-33 (15 votes) 34-35 (14 votes) 36-37 (13 votes) 38-42 (12 votes) 43-49 (11 votes) 50-63 (10 votes) 64-68 (9 votes) 69-83 (8 votes) 84-96 (7 votes) 97-118 (6 votes) 119-150 (5 votes) 151-197 (4 votes) -
You Must Remember This: The Warner Bros. Story
Favs/dislikes: 3:0. All films featured in the documentary from 2008, narrated by Clint Eastwood, about the history of Warner Bros. -
Jack Lemmon Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. English dubbed versions of Le Voyage en ballon and La polizia ha le mani legate No TV Movies -
MGM: When the Lion Roars
Favs/dislikes: 1:1. All films featured in the 1992 documentary, hosted by Patrick Stewart, about the history of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. -
The RKO Story
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. All films featured in the documentary from 1987, hosted by Ed Asner, about the history of RKO. -
A History of Horror and Horror Europa by Mark Gatiss
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Lost Films Der Januskopf (1920) and London After Midnight (1927) are not included. -
Pitchfork’s 50 Best Movie Scores of All Time (2019)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. We’re defining scores as original music composed for a film, with recurring motifs and almost always without vocals. This type of work is often the result of a collaboration between a composer and director, and created in tandem with a movie to steadily enhance the narrative onscreen. Put another way: Whereas a soundtrack highlights moments of a movie, a score blankets the entire film. (We’re only looking at narrative films in this list; we are not including documentaries.) -
Robert Pattinson Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
TSPDT - Beyond the Sight & Sound Canon (Most voted films)
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. 1 (77 votes); 2 (75 votes); 3 (71 votes); 4 (70 votes); 5 (63 votes); 6-7 (60 votes); 8 (59 votes); 9 (57 votes); 10-11 (56 votes); 12-13 (54 votes); 14-15 (52 votes); 16 (50 votes); 17-20 (48 votes) 21-22 (47 votes); 23 (46 votes); 24-25 (45 votes); 26-28 (44 votes); 29-30 (43 votes); 31-34 (42 votes); 35-38 (41 votes); 39-40 (40 votes); 41-46 (39 votes); 47 (38 votes); 48 (37 votes); 49-53 (36 votes); 54-59 (35 vote); 60-69 (34 votes); 70-78 (33 votes); 79-83 (32 votes); 84-90 (31 votes); 91-104 (30 votes); 105-110 (29 votes); 111-122 (28 votes); 123-135 (27 votes); 136-148 (26 votes); 149-160 (25 votes); 161-172 (24 votes); 173-198 (23 votes);199-218 (22 votes); 219-245 (21 votes) -
TSPDT Poll Top 250
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. * TSPDT ranking is used as tiebreak. -
TSPDT Top 100 Films of the 2010's
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
TSPDT Top 250 Directors
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Highest ranked film by every director on TSPDT's Top 250 Directors list.