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iCheckMovies allows you to check many different top lists, ranging from the all-time top 250 movies to the best science-fiction movies. Please select the top list you are interested in, which will show you the movies in that list, and you can start checking them!

  1. public list - tspdt poll (2021): top 2,000+ movies's icon

    public list - tspdt poll (2021): top 2,000+ movies

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. As voted by 1,983 film buffs, who participated and correctly submitted their ballots of 25 favourite films, (August 3, 2021). . Here you will find a list of the 2,181 best films, which includes all films that received more than 2 ballots: . 1. = 536 Ballots | 2. = 423 Ballots | 3. = 402 Ballots | 4. = 349 Ballots | 5. = 346 Ballots | 6. = 324 Ballots | 7. = 302 Ballots | 8. = 295 Ballots | 9. = 293 Ballots | 10. = 259 Ballots . 11. = 250 Ballots | 12. = 240 Ballots | 13. = 239 Ballots | 14.-15. = 228 Ballots | 16. = 224 Ballots | 17. = 223 Ballots | 18. = 216 Ballots | 19. = 209 Ballots | 20. = 208 Ballots | 21. = 207 Ballots . 22. = 203 Ballots | 23.-24. = 191 Ballots | 25. = 190 Ballots | 26. = 189 Ballots | 27. = 182 Ballots | 28. = 180 Ballots | 29. = 179 Ballots | 30.-31. = 178 Ballots | 32. = 174 Ballots | 33. = 172 Ballots . 34.-35. = 170 Ballots | 36. = 169 Ballots | 37. = 165 Ballots | 38. = 163 Ballots | 39. = 160 Ballots | 40. = 157 Ballots | 41.-42. = 156 Ballots | 43. = 152 Ballots | 44. = 151 Ballots | 45. = 149 Ballots . 46.-47. = 148 Ballots | 48. = 147 Ballots | 49. = 140 Ballots | 50. = 138 Ballots | 51.-52. = 137 Ballots | 53. = 136 Ballots | 54. = 134 Ballots | 55.-56. = 133 Ballots | 57. = 132 Ballots | 58. = 130 Ballots . 59. = 126 Ballots | 60. = 123 Ballots | 61.-62. = 122 Ballots | 63.-64. = 121 Ballots | 65. = 119 Ballots | 66. = 117 Ballots | 67.-68. = 116 Ballots | 69. = 115 Ballots | 70. = 112 Ballots | 71.-72. = 111 Ballots . 73. = 110 Ballots | 74.-75. = 109 Ballots | 76. = 107 Ballots | 77. = 106 Ballots | 78.-79. = 105 Ballots | 80. = 104 Ballots | 81.-83. = 101 Ballots | 84.-85. = 100 Ballots | 86. = 99 Ballots | 87.-88. = 98 Ballots . 89. = 97 Ballots | 90.-91. = 96 Ballots | 92. = 95 Ballots | 93. = 94 Ballots | 94. = 92 Ballots | 95. = 91 Ballots | 96.-97. = 90 Ballots | 98.-101. = 88 Ballots | 102. = 87 Ballots | 103. = 86 Ballots . 104.-106. = 85 Ballots | 107. = 84 Ballots | 108.-109. = 83 Ballots | 110. = 82 1/3 Ballots | 111. = 82 Ballots | 112.-114. = 81 Ballots | 115. = 80 1/3 Ballots | 116.-117. = 80 Ballots | 118.-121. = 79 Ballots | 122.-123. = 78 Ballots . 124. = 77 2/3 Ballots | 125. = 77 Ballots | 126.-127. = 76 1/3 Ballots | 128. = 75 Ballots | 129.-133. = 74 Ballots | 134. = 72 Ballots | 135.-137. = 71 Ballots | 138.-139. = 70 1/3 Ballots | 140.-144. = 70 Ballots | 145. = 69 Ballots . 146.-149. = 68 Ballots | 150. = 67 1/3 Ballots | 151. = 67 Ballots | 152. = 66 1/2 Ballots | 153.-157. = 66 Ballots | 158.-163. = 65 Ballots | 164.-168. = 64 Ballots | 169. = 63 Ballots | 170.-173. = 62 Ballots | 174.-177. = 61 Ballots . 178.-182. = 60 Ballots | 183.-186. = 59 Ballots | 187. = 58 Ballots | 188.-191. = 57 Ballots | 192.-195. = 56 Ballots | 196.-198. = 55 Ballots | 199.-200. = 54 Ballots | 201.-203. = 53 Ballots | 204.-206. = 52 Ballots | 207.-209. = 51 Ballots . 210.-211. = 50 Ballots | 212.-214. = 49 Ballots | 215.-220. = 48 Ballots | 221.-228. = 47 Ballots | 229.-235. = 46 Ballots | 236. = 45 1/2 Ballots | 237.-239. = 45 Ballots | 240.-245. = 44 Ballots | 246. = 43 1/3 Ballots | 247.-253. = 43 Ballots . 254.-262. = 42 Ballots | 263.-269. = 41 Ballots | 270.-274. = 40 Ballots | 275.-280. = 39 Ballots | 281.-290. = 38 Ballots | 291.-300. = 37 Ballots | 301. = 36 1/3 Ballots | 302.-314. = 36 Ballots | 315.-319. = 35 Ballots | 320.-330. = 34 Ballots . 331.-339. = 33 Ballots | 340.-343. = 32 Ballots | 344. = 31 1/3 Ballots | 345.-358. = 31 Ballots | 359.-364. = 30 Ballots | 365.-370. = 29 Ballots | 371.-375. = 28 Ballots | 376. = 27 1/2 Ballots | 377.-385. = 27 Ballots | 386.-402. = 26 Ballots . 403.-420. = 25 Ballots | 421. = 24 1/3 Ballots | 422.-440. = 24 Ballots | 441. = 23 1/2 Ballots | 442.-456. = 23 Ballots | 457. = 22 2/3 Ballots | 458.-475. = 22 Ballots | 476. = 21 1/2 Ballots | 477.-500. = 21 Ballots | 501.-518. = 20 Ballots . 519.-545. = 19 Ballots | 546.-567. = 18 Ballots | 568. = 17 1/2 Ballots | 569. = 17 1/3 Ballots | 570.-602. = 17 Ballots | 603.-625. = 16 Ballots | 626. = 15 1/3 | 627.-651. = 15 Ballots | 652.-687. = 14 Ballots | 688.-734. = 13 Ballots . 735.-792. = 12 Ballots | 793.-860. = 11 Ballots | 861.-922. = 10 Ballots | 923.-1,005. = 9 Ballots | 1,006. = 8 2/3 Ballots | 1,007.-1,087. = 8 Ballots | 1,088.-1,089. = 7 1/2 Ballots | 1,090.-1,198. = 7 Ballots | 1,199.-1,334. = 6 Ballots | 1,335.-1,337. = 5 1/3 Ballots . 1,338.-1,528. = 5 Ballots | 1,529. = 4 1/3 Ballots | 1,530.-1,782. = 4 Ballots | 1,783.-2,178. = 3 Ballots | 2,179.-2,180. = 2 1/2 Ballots | 2,181. = 2 1/3 Ballots
  2. Poll 2022: Top 250 Favourite Film List conducted and proudly presented by HelenWelonmelon (Letterboxd)'s icon

    Poll 2022: Top 250 Favourite Film List conducted and proudly presented by HelenWelonmelon (Letterboxd)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. . HelenWelonmelon: "Dear film friends, stimulated by Adrian Tofei's big poll for the best films of all time, I would also like to start a poll to determine the best films. In my opinion, most surveys have always suffered from the fact that the participants were only allowed to name 1, 10 or maybe 25 titles. Although the result is of course interesting, it is not really meaningful. The famous Sight and Sound poll in particular is pretty silly, as it forces film critics and film historians to name only 10 films out of thousands seen. Basically it's like a lottery and actually only tells you which film is most often named as favorite film and not whether the film is generally rated as outstanding. For example, if you ask a survey about the most overrated films, many of the supposedly best ones would also be named there. That's why a Top 250 survey among film connoisseurs make a lot more sense, since then it is not only decisive for the result which films are named, but also which of the typical poll champions are not named. A Top 250 also offers the advantage that probably mostly people who are somewhat familiar with the history of film vote. That's why this survey is primarily aimed at people who have actually seen many films themselves, who have their own opinions and who don't just bluntly copy internet best lists. Please link your Top 250 lists below. I will then evaluate them by the end of the year. There is no need for a ranking within the Top 250, as each film named gets one point at the end. In any case, I'm very curious to see how many letterboxd users post their Top 250 here. I hope, of course, that there will be many. Please think carefully about which titles you choose and make sure that you don't forget a favorite film, as subsequent changes will no longer be taken into account. Please draw the attention of many potential participants to this survey. I hope that Adrian Tofei will allow me to promote this survey here and not delate my comment." . Note: - It is very time-consuming to import a list presented by Letterboxd to ICM, hence the restriction to all titles with at least 3 votes instead of the 2 votes on Letterboxd. . ------------------------------------------------------------------ . Poll 2023: Top 500 Favourite Film List . HelenWelonmelon: "Dear film friends, many thanks again to all 224 participants in the last survey. As already announced, the Top 500 survey will follow this year. All 224 participants in the last survey are cordially invited. Please create a list of your 500 favorite films and link them below in the comments. . -> no ranking is necessary -> each film named gets one point . Of course, Letterboxd users who did not take part last year can and should also submit a Top 500 list. The more people take part, the more differentiated the end result. However, since this survey is primarily aimed at people who have seen a large number of films, the first-time participants should have seen at least 3000 films. This is to prevent that only the most popular films have a chance of a good placement. The main problem with all film surveys is that films have varying degrees of popularity and therefore popular films always have an advantage. Logically, films that 80-100% of all participants have seen have a much better chance of being placed in the overall list than films that only 10-20% have seen. Especially since these 10-20% are usually the people who have seen a great many films, which further reduces the chance of being named. Because for someone who has seen 1000 films, the chance of a film ending up in the top 500 is 1 in 2, 3000 is 1 in 6, 5000 is 1 in 10, 10,000 is 1 in 20, etc. However, since, in contrast to most other polls, many relatively unknown films are also included in the overall list at the end, this means that such films also receive more attention and may achieve a higher ranking next year. Inevitably, over the years, some popular films will fall in the overall ranking and some unpopular films will rise. If this Top 500 survey is successful, it is planned to repeat it next year. I hope that through word of mouth the number of participants will increase every year. . -> Why 500 Films?: Since this survey is planned annually and is primarily aimed at film experts who have seen a large number of films, it is important that a larger number of films are named because: 1. Even people who have seen well over 5000 films still have enough space for annual changes, which is not the case to this extent in a new TOP 250 survey and the end result for 2023 and the following year will hardly change. 2. The total number of titles mentioned in the poll will increase significantly, which is the very purpose of this poll. 3. A top 500 survey leads to a much more nuanced end result. If there were 56,000 individual votes for 224 Top 250 lists, it would be 112,000 for 224 Top 500 lists. . -> Why no ranking and one point for each film?: Sometimes there were suggestions that the survey could be done on ranked lists with different points depending on the placement. Experience has shown that three points speak against this. 1. A ranking with a corresponding distribution of points would once again unassailably favor the popular films. Because in the vast majority of cases, everyone's absolute favorite films (top 20-top 100) will be the films they saw relatively early and essentially caused them to engage with films. And these are usually popular films, which fall in front of you relatively quickly. 2. Requiring each participant to rank their favorite films and rack their brains over whether a film is 175th or 176th would certainly discourage many from posting a list. And probably especially those who have seen an extremely large number of films and who have trouble limiting their favorite films to only 500 titles. 3. Evaluating the lists would be much more time-consuming and complicated, and I wouldn't be able to do it that easily in terms of time. . I hope now that probably many will submit a top 500 by the end of the year (Deadline is December 31st, 2023) and that this survey and the result at the end will be entertaining and exciting. Of course, no one will completely agree with the final result, but each participant can at least try to influence the result in their favor and support their favourites."
  3. public list - imdb top 10,000 adjusted to my specifications (part i)'s icon

    public list - imdb top 10,000 adjusted to my specifications (part i)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. . A little number game. What have I done? . On April 9, 2023 I pulled data from IMDb ( ). Now the data does not all fit in a csv or excel file. That's why I decided to use Power Pivot to filter out the film types (movie, short, tv-MiniSeries, tv-Movie) that are most important to me. So I had a list of over 90,000 films. (I only included films with at least 250 votes and a rating of 2.5). . Basically, my focus is on the type "movie". . Therefore, in the first step of my specification, I assigned malus points (penalty points, minus points) for "shorts", "tv-MiniSeries" and "tv-Movies" as well as for the genres "Adult" and "Documentary". In the case of the "shorts", the penalty points even increased the shorter the film is. In my opinion, I only accept a film that is longer than 5 minutes. . In the second step, I gave plus and minus points depending on data ("most favorite movies" and "most official lists") on ICM ( ). . In the third step, I then also added a weighting by year to account for the significant distortion of timeliness in online vote counts. This weight was "votes x (1+((1977 minus the release year of the movie)/100)". I copied this great idea (adapted a bit at my discretion) from the Letterboxd user Prof. Ratigan. . I chose the year 1977 because from 1977 the VHS format for video recorders became more and more established and the home video recorder market became established as a result. . In the fourth step, I used the IMDb formula* for the "weighted rating" to adjust the film rating I had already specified. . *weighted rating (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C where: R = my specified average for the movie (mean) = (Rating) v = my specified number of votes for the movie = (votes) m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 10,000 (currently 999) C = the minimum vote across the whole report (currently 4.9) . And now the following is the result, have fun with it.
  4. Sight & Sound 1952-2022's icon

    Sight & Sound 1952-2022

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Please don't take it too seriously, it's just a bungling attempt to put all the Sight & Sound Polls (1952-2022) together.
  5. Le Schpountz's Favourite Movies's icon

    Le Schpountz's Favourite Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. . Chronological order
  6. public list - imdb top 10,000 adjusted to my specifications (part ii)'s icon

    public list - imdb top 10,000 adjusted to my specifications (part ii)

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. . A little number game. What have I done? . On April 9, 2023 I pulled data from IMDb ( ). Now the data does not all fit in a csv or excel file. That's why I decided to use Power Pivot to filter out the film types (movie, short, tv-MiniSeries, tv-Movie) that are most important to me. So I had a list of over 90,000 films. (I only included films with at least 250 votes and a rating of 2.5). . Basically, my focus is on the type "movie". . Therefore, in the first step of my specification, I assigned malus points (penalty points, minus points) for "shorts", "tv-MiniSeries" and "tv-Movies" as well as for the genres "Adult" and "Documentary". In the case of the "shorts", the penalty points even increased the shorter the film is. In my opinion, I only accept a film that is longer than 5 minutes. . In the second step, I gave plus and minus points depending on data ("most favorite movies" and "most official lists") on ICM ( ). . In the third step, I then also added a weighting by year to account for the significant distortion of timeliness in online vote counts. This weight was "votes x (1+((1977 minus the release year of the movie)/100)". I copied this great idea (adapted a bit at my discretion) from the Letterboxd user Prof. Ratigan. . I chose the year 1977 because from 1977 the VHS format for video recorders became more and more established and the home video recorder market became established as a result. . In the fourth step, I used the IMDb formula* for the "weighted rating" to adjust the film rating I had already specified. . *weighted rating (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C where: R = my specified average for the movie (mean) = (Rating) v = my specified number of votes for the movie = (votes) m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 10,000 (currently 999) C = the minimum vote across the whole report (currently 4.9) . And now the following is the result, have fun with it.
  7. Taschen Movies of the 1890s to the 2010s's icon

    Taschen Movies of the 1890s to the 2010s

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. . Books by Jürgen Muller, edited by Taschen, covers the 1890s to the 2010s of the moving picture around the world. . The ultimate anthology of cinematic showpieces: This careful selection of movie masterworks sets noir alongside new wave, slapstick alongside tragedy in a far-reaching, infinitely inspiring guide to the jewels of filmmaking. . Note: Update & Thanks to "Joschi" (see source) for creating the original versions of these list, supplemented by an IMDb listing of the 2010s by mr_vXv.
  8. ICM Forum's 500<400 2024 Edition: Le Schpountz Nominations's icon

    ICM Forum's 500<400 2024 Edition: Le Schpountz Nominations

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Rules: - Films released in 2023 or 2024 are not allowed. - Shorts, Documentaries and mini-series* are allowed. TV shows are not allowed. * Mini-series must be 14 episodes or less, not multiple seasons, and not planned to be longer but canceled. The series should be intended as a single unified work and not episodic. +Stand alone episodes of anthology type series are allowed if both the episode and series are under 400 checks. - Films that reach 400 checks by the deadline will be removed (so you don't have to do it yourself, but if you do it's appreciated). - The Lists will be downloaded at the very end of the Poll. - You must post your own list in this thread (but you can ask someone to create an IMDb/ICM list for you, if you want).
  9. ICM Forum's Favorite Dark Comedies - Le Schpountz's Nominations's icon

    ICM Forum's Favorite Dark Comedies - Le Schpountz's Nominations

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. . Dark comedies or when the laughter gets stuck in your throat! List in chronological order! "So what are dark comedies? Here are some definitions. Keep in mind this are just guidelines for you to keep in mind while making your list. I won't compare entries on lists to these definitions." The dark comedy subgenre, also known as black comedy, combines humor with elements of tragedy, morbidity, or darker themes. Dark comedies often explore serious or taboo subjects, such as death, crime, dysfunction, and societal issues, while infusing these topics with humor to create an unusual and often thought-provoking contrast. The humor in dark comedies is typically edgy, satirical, and often unsettling, challenging traditional comedic norms. (IMDb) Black comedy, also known as dark comedy, bleak comedy, morbid humor, gallows humor, black humor, or dark humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss. Writers and comedians often use it as a tool for exploring vulgar issues by provoking discomfort, serious thought, and amusement for their audience. (Wikipedia)
  10. icm forum's favourite films on 0 Official Lists - Le Schpountz's Nominations Fifth Edition's icon

    icm forum's favourite films on 0 Official Lists - Le Schpountz's Nominations Fifth Edition

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. chronological order
  11. iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 1930s (3rd edition) - Le Schpountz Nominations's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 1930s (3rd edition) - Le Schpountz Nominations

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. ICM Forum: "Two times, in 2014 and 2019, we chose our favorite movies of the 1930s, now it's time to do so again. The deadline is 1 November 2024 Nominees must be from 1930-1939 (According to IMDb, which means the year in brackets next to the title, not the release-date in your country.)* Shorts, mini-series and TV-episodes from anthology series where the episodes are unrelated, are allowed. Tv-series aren't allowed.* *Imdb will be leading in this, but if you have good arguments exceptions to the rule can be made in consultation Imdb-lists or iCM-lists are accepted. (If you can't make one of those, ask another user to help you out.) Lists can be any length. Each nominee can only be named once (of course) Lists can be ranked or unranked or partially-ranked In a partially-ranked list, the top X films are ranked and everything after that point is unranked. When not specified I will consider a list as ranked."
  12. Le Schpountz’s Top 500 Favourite Movies (for Helen’s poll)'s icon

    Le Schpountz’s Top 500 Favourite Movies (for Helen’s poll)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. My list is in chronologiical order. Link to the poll: For HelenWelonmelon's Poll: Top 500 Favourite Film Lists -> Breakdown of the Directors: 12 x Akira Kurosawa 10 x Yasujirô Ozu 9 x Alfred Hitchcock 8 x Fritz Lang, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Quentin Tarantino 7 x Andrei Tarkovsky, Billy Wilder, Jean-Luc Godard, Stanley Kubrick 6 x Ethan & Joel Coen, Federico Fellini, Jean-Pierre Melville, Kar-Wai Wong, Masaki Kobayashi, Michael Powell (hereof 5 x with Emeric Pressburger), Orson Welles 5 x Charles Chaplin, Emeric Pressburger (thereof 5 x with Michael Powell), Ernst Lubitsch, François Truffaut, Howard Hawks, John Ford, Kenji Mizoguchi, Michelangelo Antonioni, Sergio Leone, Wim Wenders 4 x Béla Tarr, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Christopher Nolan, David Lynch, F.W. Murnau, Francis Ford Coppola, Frank Capra, Henri-Georges Clouzot, John Cassavetes, Jules Dassin, Luis Buñuel, Marcel Carné, Mikio Naruse, Satoshi Kon, Sidney Lumet, Takeshi Kitano, Vittorio De Sica 3 x Carol Reed, David Lean, Edward Yang, Helmut Käutner, Hirokazu Koreeda, James Whale, Jean Renoir, John Huston, Louis Malle, Luchino Visconti, Mervyn LeRoy, Otto Preminger, Peter Bogdanovich, Peter Jackson, Preston Sturges, Raoul Walsh, Richard Linklater, Robert Altman, Robert Bresson, Roberto Rossellini, Roman Polanski, Satyajit Ray, Sergei M. Eisenstein, Werner Herzog 2 x Andrzej Wajda, Costa-Gavras, Denys Arcand, Hayao Miyazaki, Hiroshi Teshigahara, Jacques Becker, Jacques Demy, Jean Cocteau, Jerzy Kawalerowicz, John Sturges, Josef von Sternberg, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Joseph Losey, Leo McCarey, Martin Scorsese, Max Ophüls, Mikhail Kalatozov, Ming-liang Tsai, Nicholas Ray, Park Chan-wook, Robert Rodriguez, Sam Peckinpah, Seijun Suzuki, Spike Jonze, Steven Spielberg, Sylvain Chomet, Tomm Moore, Victor Sjöström, Wes Anderson, William A. Wellman, Wojciech Has, Woody Allen 1 x Abel Ferrara, Abel Gance, Agnès Varda, Alain Resnais, Albert Lewin, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Aleksey German, Alex Garland, Alexander Korda, Alexander Mackendrick, Alfonso Cuarón, Andrzej Zulawski, Ang Lee, Arthur Penn, Bernardo Bertolucci, Bernhard Wicki, Blake Edwards, Bong Joon Ho, Bryan Singer, Céline Sciamma, Charles Laughton, Charles Vidor, Charlie Kaufman, Chris Marker, Claude Sautet, Clint Eastwood, Curtis Hanson, Damien Chazelle, David Cronenberg, David Fincher, Denis Villeneuve, Dino Risi, Edgar G. Ulmer, Elem Klimov, Elia Kazan, Elio Petri, Elmar Klos & Ján Kadár, Erich von Stroheim, Ettore Scola, Franklin J. Schaffner, Frantisek Vlácil, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, George Cukor, George Lucas, George Miller, Georges Franju, Gillo Pontecorvo, Giuseppe Tornatore, Gregory La Cava, Grigoriy Chukhray, Henry Selick, Hsiao-Hsien Hou, Ingmar Bergman, Irvin Kershner, Isao Takahata, István Szabó, Jacques Tati, Jacques Tourneur, James McTeigue, Jean Vigo, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Jim Jarmusch, Jirí Menzel, John Boorman, John Boulting, John Frankenheimer, John Landis, Jonathan Demme, Joseph H. Lewis, Julien Duvivier, Kihachi Okamoto, Kim Ki-young, Konstantin Lopushanskiy, Lana & Lilly Wachowski, Larisa Shepitko, Leontine Sagan, Luc Besson, Mamoru Oshii, Marc Allégret, Marcel Pagnol, Marlen Khutsiev, Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack, Michael Curtiz, Michael Radford, Michael Wadleigh, Michel Gondry, Milos Forman, Noah Baumbach, Olivier Assayas, Otakar Vávra, Paul Schrader, Paul Thomas Anderson, Paul Verhoeven, Pedro Almodóvar, Peter Ho-Sun Chan, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, René Clément, Ridley Scott, Rob Reiner, Robert Aldrich, Robert Eggers, Robert Hamer, Robert Siodmak, Robert Wiene, Robert Zemeckis, Rouben Mamoulian, Salvador Simó, Samuel Fuller, Sergei Parajanov, Sergio Corbucci, Sofia Coppola, Stanley Donen, Ted Kotcheff, Terry Gilliam, Theodoros Angelopoulos, Tod Browning, Todd Phillips, Toshiya Fujita, W.S. Van Dyke, William Cameron Menzies, William Friedkin, William Wyler, Wolfgang Petersen, Yves Robert, Zoltán Fábri -> Breakdown of the decades: 14 x 1920er 47 x 1930er 71 x 1940er 81 x 1950er 92 x 1960er 50 x 1970er 42 x 1980er 41 x 1990er 35 x 2000er 25 x 2010er 2 x 2020er -> Most represented years: 15 x 1960, 1962 14 x 1959 12 x 1946, 1957, 1966 10 x 1950, 1964 9 x 1931, 1948, 1961, 1965, 1967, 2003 8 x 1944, 1945, 1954, 1955, 2019 7 x 1932, 1939, 1947, 1973, 1976, 1984, 1988, 1994 6 x 1940, 1943, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1963, 1974, 1977, 1981, 2001 5 x 1933, 1938, 1941, 1951, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1979, 1986, 1991, 1992, 1997, 2000 -> Breakdown of the countries: 201 x United States (40,2 %) 70 x France (14,0 %) 57 x Japan (11,4 %) 34 x Italy (6,8 %) 32 x United Kingdom (6,4 %) 26 x Germany (5,2 %) 18 x Soviet Union (3,6 %) 12 x Poland (2,4 %) 7 x Taiwan (1,4 %) 5 x Hong Kong (1,0 %) 5 x Hungary (1,0 %) 5 x Mexico (1,0 %) 4 x Czechoslovakia (0,8 %) 4 x South Korea (0,8 %) 4 x Spain (0,8 %) 3 x India (0,6 %) 3 x Sweden (0,6 %) 2 x Australia (0,4 %) 2 x Canada (0,4 %) 2 x Denmark (0,4 %) 2 x Ireland (0,4 %) 1 x Algeria (0,2 %) 1 x Greece (0,2 %) In a comparison to my votes for the poll from 2022, the following films from the top 250 at that time unfortunately no longer qualified for the new top 500: The Crowd (1928, King Vidor, United States) Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936, Frank Capra, United States) Lost Horizon (1937, Frank Capra, United States) You Can't Take It with You (1938, Frank Capra, United States) Midnight (1939, Mitchell Leisen, United States) The Mortal Storm (1940, Frank Borzage, United States) The Bad and the Beautiful (1952, Vincente Minnelli, United States) The Magnificent Seven (1960, John Sturges, United States) Vyssí princip (1960, Jirí Krejcík, Czechoslovakia) However, these films remain among my favorites.
  13. Letterboxd Poll 2024: Top 500 Favorite Films - Nominations Le Schpountz's icon

    Letterboxd Poll 2024: Top 500 Favorite Films - Nominations Le Schpountz

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. in progress
  14. Top 111 Le Schpountz's icon

    Top 111 Le Schpountz

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Breakdown Directors: 6 x Alfred Hitchcock 4 x Charles Chaplin, Henri-Georges Clouzot, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Melville, Yasujirô Ozu, 3 x Andrei Tarkovsky, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Fritz Lang, John Huston, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Marcel Carné, Orson Welles, Richard Linklater 2 x Akira Kurosawa, Jean Renoir, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, Peter Bogdanovich, Stanley Kubrick, Werner Herzog 1 x Agnès Varda, Albert Lewin, Alexander Korda, Bernardo Bertolucci, Billy Wilder, Blake Edwards, Carol Reed, Céline Sciamma, Charles Laughton, David Lean, Denys Arcand, Ernst Lubitsch, Esteban Sapir, Federico Fellini, Frank Capra, Grigoriy Chukhray, Henry Selick, Howard Hawks, Ingmar Bergman, Jacques Becker, James McTeigue, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Jim Jarmusch, Joel & Ethan Coen, Kar-Wai Wong, Louis Malle, Luc Besson, Luchino Visconti, Mamoru Oshii, Marc Allégret, Marlen Khutsiev, Masaki Kobayashi, Mervyn LeRoy, Michael Curtiz, Mikhail Kalatozov, Milos Forman, Nicholas Ray, Otakar Vávra, Ridley Scott, Robert Bresson, Robert Rodriguez, Sam Peckinpah, Samuel Fuller, Satoshi Kon, Sergio Corbucci, Sidney Lumet, Sofia Coppola, Spike Jonze, Sylvain Chomet
  15. Top 206 Le Schpountz's icon

    Top 206 Le Schpountz

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Breakdown Directors: 7 x Alfred Hitchcock 5 x Akira Kurosawa, Charles Chaplin, Jean-Pierre Melville, Kar-Wai Wong, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Masaki Kobayashi, Quentin Tarantino, Yasujirô Ozu 4 x Andrei Tarkovsky, Billy Wilder, Christopher Nolan, Henri-Georges Clouzot, Jean-Luc Godard 3 x Carl Theodor Dreyer, Francis Ford Coppola, Frank Capra, Fritz Lang, Joel & Ethan Coen, John Huston, Kenji Mizoguchi, Marcel Carné, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, Michelangelo Antonioni, Orson Welles, Peter Jackson, Richard Linklater, Sergio Leone, Stanley Kubrick 2 x Edward Yang, Ernst Lubitsch, Hayao Miyazaki, Jacques Becker, Jean Renoir, Luchino Visconti, Peter Bogdanovich, Robert Bresson, Werner Herzog 1 x Agnès Varda, Albert Lewin, Alexander Korda, Arthur Penn, Bernardo Bertolucci, Blake Edwards, Carol Reed, Céline Sciamma, Charles Laughton, Costa-Gavras, David Lean, David Lynch, Denys Arcand, Elem Klimov, Esteban Sapir, Federico Fellini, François Truffaut, Gillo Pontecorvo, Giuseppe Tornatore, Grigoriy Chukhray, Henry Selick, Howard Hawks, Ingmar Bergman, Isao Takahata, Jacques Tourneur, James McTeigue, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Jim Jarmusch, John Ford, John Landis, Jonathan Demme, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Jules Dassin, Lana & Lilly Wachowski, Larisa Shepitko, Leo McCarey, Louis Malle, Luc Besson, Mamoru Oshii, Marc Allégret, Marlen Khutsiev, Martin Scorsese, Mervyn LeRoy, Michael Curtiz, Michel Gondry, Mikhail Kalatozov, Mikio Naruse, Milos Forman, Nicholas Ray, Otakar Vávra, Otto Preminger, Paul Schrader, Paul Thomas Anderson, Peter Ho-Sun Chan, Ridley Scott, Rob Reiner, Robert Rodriguez, Robert Zemeckis, Roman Polanski, Sam Peckinpah, Samuel Fuller, Satoshi Kon, Sergio Corbucci, Sidney Lumet, Sofia Coppola, Spike Jonze, Stanley Donen, Steven Spielberg, Sylvain Chomet, Todd Phillips, Vittorio De Sica, W.S. Van Dyke, William Wyler, Wim Wenders, Wolfgang Petersen, Zoltán Fábri
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