Academy Award - Best Documentary

As seen by cistavotka

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An official iCheckMovies list (adopted from flaiky).

Favorited 20 times, disliked 0 times, added to 27 watchlists.

All winners in the Best Documentary Feature category. The first year it was awarded, 1942, it was given to four films and half of those were shorts - so only the two feature-lengths are included here. In 1946 there was no award in the category.


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  1. 37 -

    Scared Straight!

    1978, in 1 top list Check
  2. 61 -

    Un coupable idéal

    2001 — a.k.a. Murder on a Sunday Morning, in 2 top lists Check
  3. 67 -

    Taxi to the Dark Side

    2007, in 2 top lists Check
  4. 69 -

    The Cove

    2009, in 2 top lists Check
  5. 70 -

    Inside Job

    2010, in 4 top lists Check
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Last updated on Mar 11, 2024 by DreCosby; source