Official Checks: Africa

Official Checks: Africa's icon

Created by Knaldskalle.

Favorited 13 times, disliked 1 time, added to 10 watchlists.

A list of African movies that are official checks on iCM.

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  1. 169 new

    Lion of the Desert

    1980, in 1 top list Check
  2. 123 -


    1997 — a.k.a. Destiny, in 2 top lists Check
  3. 20 -

    Buud Yam

    1997, in 2 top lists Check
  4. 31 -


    1986, in 1 top list Check
  5. 38 -

    Afrique, je te plumerai

    1992 — a.k.a. Africa, I Will Fleece You, in 1 top list Check
  6. 18 -

    Lumumba: La mort du prophète

    1991, in 1 top list Check
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Show all 177 movies

Last updated on Jan 1, 2015;