Pssst, want to check out The Shawshank Redemption in our new look?
- Year
- 1994
- Runtime
- 142 min.
- Director
- Frank Darabont
- Genre
- Drama
- Rating *
- 9.3
- Votes *
- 1,740,968
- Checks
- 113,570
- Favs
- 17,188
- Dislikes
- 401
- Favs/checks
- 15.1% (1:7)
- Favs/dislikes
- 43:1
Top comments
Definitely a very good movie, though I don't think it should be ranked as the best of all time by IMDb. Because of the nature of the IMDb's consensus voting I think it gets to the top because it's the most difficult movie to dislike, rather than one which might be better, but contain challenging elements which might cause some people to rate it lower. I don't want to sound too down on this film though because I do like it. It puts across its themes of hope and redemption well, it's got a great script, and great acting across the board. Some of the plot seems a little forced at times, but the movie does a very good job of allowing the viewer to sympathesis with Andy Dufresne and root for him to succeed. 12 years 7 months ago -
Really good movie. But not necessarily the best movie ever. Watch it, but don't expect a masterpiece. 12 years ago -
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jnmcgarry checked this movie 10 hours 50 minutes ago
jnmcgarry favorited this movie 10 hours 50 minutes ago
K. favorited this movie 11 hours 42 minutes ago
Spectral69 favorited this movie 20 hours 35 minutes ago
broman, b0llu, arisoynes, and 2 others Thalassophobia and lepidopteragirl checked this movie 1 day 15 hours ago
In 24 official lists
This movie ranks #1 in IMDb's Top 250
IMDb's Top 250
1 -
This movie ranks #1 in IMDb's Drama Top 50
IMDb's Drama Top 50
1 -
This movie ranks #1 in IMDb's 1990s Top 50
IMDb's 1990s Top 50
1 -
This movie ranks #3 in iCheckMovies's 1990s Top 100
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3 -
This movie ranks #4 in Empire's The 500 Greatest Movies of All Time
Empire's The 500 Greates…
4 -
This movie ranks #5 in FilmTotaal Forum's Top 100
FilmTotaal Forum's Top 1…
5 -
This movie ranks #9 in MovieSense 101
MovieSense 101
9 -
This movie ranks #9 in Jennifer Eiss's 500 Essential Cult Movies
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9 -
This movie ranks #16 in FOK!'s Film Top 250
FOK!'s Film Top 250
16 -
This movie ranks #23 in AFI's 100 Years...100 Cheers
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23 -
This movie ranks #25 in iCheckMovies's Most Checked
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25 -
This movie ranks #26 in Reddit Top 250
Reddit Top 250
26 -
This movie ranks #72 in AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies
AFI's 100 Years...100 Mo…
72 -
This movie ranks #88 in Roger Ebert's Great Movies
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88 -
This movie ranks #92 in ASC's 100 Milestone Films in Cinematography of the 20th Century
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92 -
This movie ranks #96 in iCheckMovies's Most Favorited
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96 -
This movie ranks #139 in Emma Beare's 501 Must-See Movies
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This movie ranks #398 in Academy Award - Best Picture Nominees
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This movie ranks #435 in TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films
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This movie ranks #510 in Sight & Sound's The Greatest Films of All Time
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510 -
This movie ranks #697 in Library of Congress's National Film Registry
Library of Congress's Na…
697 -
This movie ranks #801 in The Guardian's 1000 Films to See Before You Die
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801 -
This movie ranks #877 in 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die
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This movie ranks #945 in David Thomson's Have You Seen?
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