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  1. 5
    Gene Kelly Filmography's icon

    Gene Kelly Filmography

    Ranking #5
  2. 15
    Metro Goldwyn Mayer Films: 1957's icon

    Metro Goldwyn Mayer Films: 1957

    Ranking #15
  3. 26
    Gene Kelly Filmography's icon

    Gene Kelly Filmography

    Ranking #26
  4. 33
    Michael Redgrave Filmography's icon

    Michael Redgrave Filmography

    Ranking #33
  5. 66
    BAFTA Award Winners's icon

    BAFTA Award Winners

    Ranking #66
  6. 82
    TCM August 2022 Schedule's icon

    TCM August 2022 Schedule

    Ranking #82
  7. 117
    TCM July 2015 Schedule's icon

    TCM July 2015 Schedule

    Ranking #117
  8. 141
    Golden Globe Winners's icon

    Golden Globe Winners

    Ranking #141
  9. 293
    Laurent Jullier's Lire Les Images de Cinema's icon

    Laurent Jullier's Lire Les Images de Cinema

    Ranking #293
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