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Comments 1 - 15 of 23

dpanter's avatar


Way better than expected, a bit of a surprise to me since the trailer I saw gave me the impression that this would be a disaster with terrible voice work. Not so!
(Lol at myself for hearing Seth Rogen as Frankenstein['s monster] the entire movie when it was in fact Kevin James.)

Kudos to Sony for pulling of a beautiful movie, the visuals are excellent! They are racking up some fine work now with titles like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Arthur Christmas.

Perhaps you could argue that their work is too energetic and overly hyperactive, and I wish they would take a page out of Miyazaki's playbook now and pace themselves. You don't have to cram 99% of the run time with blistering light-speed action!
If you have ever seen kids absolutely spellbound by My Neighbor Totoro, then you know what I mean.
12 years 1 month ago
Joyce's avatar


Gorgeous animation but the plot is really full of fluff, nothing substantial. Let's not even talk about the plot, there's nothing really funny or any memorable one-liners. To sum it up, it is a 90 mins visual feast. Nothing more.
12 years ago
essaywhu's avatar


Some really fantastic animation. Sometimes the characters actually looked like actual physical objects, almost like claymation but smoother. I wish they used some better voice actors rather that just a bunch of Adam Sandler's friends and family. I also wished that they didn't use a fad like auto tune so much with the songs because that will make the film so dated in about 5 years.

Another commenter said they should slow it down some and while I agree, Arthur Christmas seemed to be way more guilty of hyperactivity than this one did.
10 years 6 months ago
crystarius's avatar


Eeeeehh, it wasn't actually that bad, it just seemed a bit uninspired. It was better in concept.
11 years 1 month ago
jhhayes's avatar


Although not as good as a Pixar film, it has great animation, a talented voice cast, and enough jokes and sight gags to keep you entertained through it's 80 min runtime. It was better than I expected.
11 years 7 months ago
SleepyMaster's avatar


Had a good laugh when Frankenstein was diving into the pool. Good animation, lots of funny parts/ jokes. Story wasn't anything spectacular, though. 6.5/10
11 years 9 months ago
nowhereman136's avatar


the one liner jokes kept it going, but the story wasn't anything ground breaking. Just when you think they are reaching an emotional break through they pull back. Towards the end it tried to fix everything in an absurd manner that fell flat. Overall a good movie, well, better than i was expecting. 6/10
12 years ago
IreneAdler's avatar


Really sweet! Lovely characters, nice animation, lots of funny little details and funny lines... cute!
9 years 11 months ago
IndianaJones's avatar


They needed a story for the funny stuff.
10 years 10 months ago
Guru_Meditation's avatar


This was a pleasant surprise. Far better and funnier than I had expected.
12 years 1 month ago
heat_'s avatar


Lovely and fun animation. Had no idea that I would be so entertained.
5 years 7 months ago
HEMA's avatar


Decent movie, but invisible man was hillarious!
12 years ago
meysam_a's avatar


i really enjoyed this one,
the final musical is so coool! xD
animation and music is so good and fun.
12 years ago
damania's avatar


Selena's voice is so cute :D
12 years ago
aniforprez's avatar


cliched, predictable and chesy as all hell. the story you see coming from miles away and everything you expect to happen, happens.

but you know what, I FREAKING LOVE THIS MOVIE. genndy brought back all that magic he put into all his cartoons especially samurai jack and dexter and dumped it all into this movie which now oozes with hilarity, charm and SO MUCH heart. such a sweet ride from start to finish. and rotten tomatoes WHAT THE F? 43%??? do you guys even know how to have fun? and some imdb reviewers gave it a 1 star BECAUSE IT'S NOT ROMANIA or some bullshit like that. one guy gave it 1 star because apparently mavis fits into the "skinny is hot" stereotype and he hates that. DO THESE MORONS EVEN KNOW WHAT A 1 STAR MOVIE IS LIKE?

12 years ago

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