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Comments 1 - 15 of 26

nowhereman136's avatar


took me a few tries to watch this because it is a slow start. But once they get going these two are so much fun to watch togehter
1 year 10 months ago
Xondar's avatar


I hope that nobody today ascribed to the sentiment that a wife should "get a sock every day whether she deserves it or not."

The causal domestic violence in this movie is uncomfortable.
3 years 8 months ago
wilyhawk's avatar


It's a so-so movie. Not bad but not great. I'm sure back in 1934 it was amazing though at the time.
4 years 11 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


An early crystallization of the now tired romcom formula, It Happened One Night put 1935's five Oscars on its mantle (including the big four). I don't know enough about 1934's eligible output to say if that was justified (I'd have thrown everything at The Thin Man myself), but the story behind the scenes is to me almost more interesting than the "heiress on the run falls for journalist helping her" stock plot. Apparently, director Frank Capra was handed two of MGM's most difficult stars so they could be taught a lesson in humility, having to play in a low-budget picture with limited sets and costumes. Well, Capra's not gonna make a bad film, obviously. Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable have great chemistry, and some fun scenes to play, but it's how Capra tells this story that really puts it over the top. Because Colbert's character is married, even if she's heading for an annulment, there can't actually be hanky-panky through the film. They sleep with a sheet hung between them in the room. Somehow, that makes every intimate scene, every sweet glance, every near miss, even just Colbert alone in front of a talking sheet, surprisingly sexy. And how Capra finally consummates their love, well, that's just a great visual punchline that breaks every romantic movie rule.
6 years 4 months ago
C.L. Weatherstone's avatar

C.L. Weatherstone

One of my favorite Best Picture Winners.

My favorite little bit of trivia. It is rumored that Friz Freleng based Bugs Bunny on the Clark Gable character. Particularly the hitchhiking scene where he is talking fast and eating carrots.
9 years 7 months ago
ReVision's avatar


Great and enjoyable classic! Both leads were excellent!
10 years 1 month ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

Adorable leads and enchanting story, and a fantastic ending, It Happened One Night is definitely one of the best romance movies.
10 years 3 months ago
jupiterbrando's avatar


The poster makes Clark Gable look like Cesar Romero.
10 years 11 months ago


Brilliant. What else is there to say?
10 years 11 months ago
mathiasa's avatar


@ChrisReynolds: To be fair, he said it thinking his affection wasn't being returned. People say nasty stuff when hurt. Personally, I didn't find that disturbing.
10 years 12 months ago
twistedthursday's avatar


A very pleasant experience. Great little love story, loved the chemistry between the two leads. One thing though, it's kind of a bummer that there is no two-shot of them at the end. Would've loved to see how the reunion of those two played out.
11 years 6 months ago
dirte_lawndre's avatar


Loved it! Clark Gable is great in this flick.
12 years 3 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Great performances all round, and a well-structured movie, but there was some rather nasty sexism running through the whole movie that ruined it for me. The romantic hero saying "what she needs is a guy that'd take a sock at her once a day, whether it's coming to her or not" was particularly disturbing.
12 years 12 months ago
Timec's avatar


Duke of Omnium - I'd have a hard time accepting an argument that "All Quiet on the Western Front" doesn't hold up today. Yes, it has some dated elements that are endemic to most films from the very early sound era (the use of sound, not surprisingly, is one of the more particularly dated elements) - but the script and direction are still fantastic, and it still manages to pack an incredible emotional wallop more than 80 years later.

"It Happened One Night" is a great film, but "All Quiet on the Western Front" would easily get my vote for the first great Best Picture winner, as it's one of the best films ever made, period.
13 years 3 months ago
grit's avatar


Didnt know what to expect but when straight into my top 100.
13 years 5 months ago

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