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SpacedJ's avatar


It's a mess. Veers all over the place, stops itself to squeeze in trailers for future movies for no plausible reason other than marketing. It's just depressing.
8 years 10 months ago
drainojunkie's avatar


Watching this movie is a bizarre experience. It looks like five different people with varying degrees of familiarity with the source material were given the title and told to write a script. Then they did their damndest to shove it all into one movie.
8 years 10 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


There will be spoilers here so skip if you want.

The plot is a mess. The story feels disconnected and the general flow of the film isn't too great. Lex Luthor was miscast - he really is just an annoying little shit.

Why was Batman so stupid? Isn't Batman supposed to be an intelligent, logical detective? It just doesn't make any sense.

And I am sick of these Marvel/DC films where entire cities get leveled for only one fight. Surely, there can be dramatic action without having to lay down 100 trillion dollars plus in damages to the city. Yes, I get that it's a big fight between Doomsday and Superman, but come on.

8 years 10 months ago
wooble89's avatar


Snyder completely misunderstands all of the characters (except Alfred I guess,) and downright hates Superman. We have a film that I wouldn't suggest kids could even watch and heroes that are actually just mopy murderers.

Ignore all that and you still have mess of a film with poor pacing, no character motivations and a final act which is just a mess of CG.
8 years 10 months ago
The_Comatorium's avatar


Total garbage pile. Affleck was good though.
8 years 10 months ago
kurozuya's avatar


EDIT: after watching the extended cut this film's brand of insane weirdness kinda works for me, a shame we'll never get something this ambitious in the comic book genre again considering how godawful/bland the course for both the DCEU/MCU/XMCU/whatevercu is
8 years 10 months ago
Pachanga's avatar


what the fuck
8 years 10 months ago
TheNorthernNerd's avatar


I didn't go into this film with very high expectations and still I came away disappointed. The plot is so ham-fisted in it's approach that no one has a good reason for being in the right place at the right time, they just are.

Though Snyder might still be an excellent action director, I honestly couldn't tell with this film because every shot was so incredibly dark that for all I know I was watching a re-run of Man of Steel with the brightness turned down.

8 years 10 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Batman v Superman: Dawn Will Never Come Because DARRRRRRKKKK! ;-). Zack Snyder's dismal lack of pacing and weak understanding of the material he wants to adapt sinks this bloated whale carcass of a film already compromised by Goyer's fatally convoluted and contrived script. And yet, I liked the actors/characters a heck of a lot (yes, even the jaded "Goddamn Batman", and top marks for Wonder Woman, now can't wait for her movie), so I wish they'd been in a better movie. Part of the problem, I think, is that Warners are in too much of a hurry to get their franchise going and the Justice League elements (including Diana, no matter how much I liked her) are awkwardly plugged in. And if like me, you're tired of Infinity Stone flashforwards in Marvel movies, you're going to hate the Apokolips/Crisis/Injustice foreshadowing in this movie; we're just not invested enough in this world yet to care about hints to something that HASN'T actually been brewing for a while. Confounding. And if you've got kids under 13, heed the PG-13 warning. It's so close to being an R, it's easy to see how the Special Edition DVD will get there (and fans of the bloat, I think it'll clock in a 3 hours!). But it's not so much that it's too violent for kids or that there's almost nudity in it, it's that the ethical questions asked will bore, confuse and repel (adults too, because the answers aren't well thought through). I think kids would want to see their heroes come alive on the big screen, but this about the failure of heroism. If Snyder wanted to do a thinking man's superhero movie, he should have started by being a thinking man himself is what I'm saying. Reach|Grasp ratio is way off.
8 years 10 months ago
nowhereman136's avatar


Despite it's 2:31 run time, it felt rushed and at times soulless. Still, not a terrible film. It serves its promise of Batman and Superman meeting for the first time and setting up the DCU. I just wished it cared more about being an engaging film than trying to set up a universe. Even though Batman/Bruce Wayne was the most engaging character, maybe it shouldve focused more on Superman and saved Batman for his own adventure.

8 years 10 months ago
Sandgrenbrygg's avatar


To quote Bruce Wayne in 1989:
"I'm not sure..."
8 years 10 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It's a superhero movie with no soul, it just plods along pretending to care. Though in some odd way I honestly thought it was going to be much, much worse. I didn't like it but I didn't overwhelmingly hate it either. It's just 150 minutes of "meh" with a whopping 250 million dollar price tag.

Ben Affleck is not amazing at playing Bats but since the movie has nothing going for it, it's hard to care either way. The cameos for other Justice League heroes were shoehorned in with no taste whatsoever and did nothing but make the movie more confusing. Jesse Eisenberg is totally unconvincing for me as Lex. I can't take him seriously here if my life depended on it, *anybody* else would have been a better acting choice. Eisenberg is a competent actor but his acting profile and amount of energy is just totally unsuited for the character that has always been Superman's eternal villain. It's a shame because there are a myriad of other villains in the DC canon where manic energy and youthful ambition is a prime factor but this was just one of the worst miscasts going. You could almost see Snyder going to Eisenberg and saying "forget everything you know about Lex, play him like you're the Riddler instead" and that's what we got.

Once again we are reminded that DC is playing major catchup to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The poor folks at DC are so distracted by what their competitor is doing that it is seriously affecting their judgment. The DC universe is so convoluted and scatterbrained at this point that it doesn't bode well for the future.
8 years 1 month ago
johannez1's avatar


Legend has it an average Zack Snyder is actually about five minutes if you take away the slow motion.

This has no redeemable qualities whatsoever.
2 years 9 months ago
maasr's avatar


holy moley this movie is bad hahaha

if you get the comic book references it might be fine, but otherwise good luck with a plot that makes no sense
8 years ago
Duval Spit's avatar

Duval Spit

I did not enjoy this movie but I honestly believe that the biggest issue is Snyder's continued infatuation with slow-motion and way too long establishing shots. These elements can and should be effective but when used in seemingly every single scene they lose their power. If every shot is so important as to warrant lingered close-up or all-too-slow pans, then no shot becomes important.
The second time I watched it I was very liberal with my use of fast-forward and it helped the film a lot.
8 years 2 months ago

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