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  1. 16
    German Weimar Era films in official lists's icon

    German Weimar Era films in official lists

    Ranking #16
  2. 28
    Films on 1 official list Part 2/3's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part 2/3

    Ranking #28
  3. 97
    Lotte H. Eisner's The Haunted Screen - Expressionism in the German Cinema and the Influence of Max Reinhardt's icon

    Lotte H. Eisner's The Haunted Screen - Expressionism in the German Cinema and the Influence of Max Reinhardt

    Ranking #97
  4. 114
    Available online with English subtitles: Germany's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: Germany

    Ranking #114
  5. 218
    Films mentioned in Film History: An Introduction (Bordwell & Thompson)'s icon

    Films mentioned in Film History: An Introduction (Bordwell & Thompson)

    Ranking #218
  6. 264
    Listas's icon


    Ranking #264
  7. 334
    Paul Rotha's Silent but Not Forgotten's icon

    Paul Rotha's Silent but Not Forgotten

    Ranking #334
  8. 407
    1920s Official's icon

    1920s Official

    Ranking #407
  9. 476
    Short features: official checks from 46 to 69 minutes's icon

    Short features: official checks from 46 to 69 minutes

    Ranking #476
  10. 511
    iCM Playhouse (shorts: 46 - 69 minutes)'s icon

    iCM Playhouse (shorts: 46 - 69 minutes)

    Ranking #511
  11. 1330
    Film Fanatic Book Two (Addendum 3)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (Addendum 3)

    Ranking #1330
  12. 3836
    Films on 1 official list Part2's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part2

    Ranking #3836
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