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  1. 332
    501 Must See Movies 2004 Book Version's icon

    501 Must See Movies 2004 Book Version

    Ranking #332
  2. 11
    99 Classic Movies for People in a Hurry's icon

    99 Classic Movies for People in a Hurry

    Ranking #11
  3. 194
    BFI Film Classics's icon

    BFI Film Classics

    Ranking #194
  4. 193
    Danny Peary's Cult Movies's icon

    Danny Peary's Cult Movies

    Ranking #193
  5. 1047
    Dizionario dei capolavori del cinema (Dictionary of Cinema Masterpieces)'s icon

    Dizionario dei capolavori del cinema (Dictionary of Cinema Masterpieces)

    Ranking #1047
  6. 95
    Filmgenres: Science Fiction (Reclam)'s icon

    Filmgenres: Science Fiction (Reclam)

    Ranking #95
  7. 18
    Great Movies - 100 Years of Cinema's icon

    Great Movies - 100 Years of Cinema

    Ranking #18
  8. 612
    Jean Serroy's Les 1000 Films Culte de l'Histoire du Cinema's icon

    Jean Serroy's Les 1000 Films Culte de l'Histoire du Cinema

    Ranking #612
  9. 115
    Movies from the silent classics of the silver screen to the digital  and 3D era's icon

    Movies from the silent classics of the silver screen to the digital and 3D era

    Ranking #115
  10. 22
    Taschen’s “Die besten Filme der 80er” (2005 edition)'s icon

    Taschen’s “Die besten Filme der 80er” (2005 edition)

    Ranking #22
  11. 58
    Tell Your Children - 123 Attempts to Cult Cinema.'s icon

    Tell Your Children - 123 Attempts to Cult Cinema.

    Ranking #58
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