Order by:


  1. 16
    Luchino Visconti filmography's icon

    Luchino Visconti filmography

    Ranking #16
  2. 22
    Italian Neo-Realism's icon

    Italian Neo-Realism

    Ranking #22
  3. 199
    TSPDT's Brief Encounters's icon

    TSPDT's Brief Encounters

    Ranking #199
  4. 346
    Available online with English subtitles: Italy's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: Italy

    Ranking #346
  5. 414
    Films on 1 official list Part1's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part1

    Ranking #414
  6. 491
    All Shorts on iCM Lists's icon

    All Shorts on iCM Lists

    Ranking #491
  7. 635
    iCM Playhouse (shorts: 45 minutes or less)'s icon

    iCM Playhouse (shorts: 45 minutes or less)

    Ranking #635
  8. 706
    Films on 1 official list Part 3/3's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part 3/3

    Ranking #706
  9. 817
    ICM Forum - Official One Film from Each iCM List Challenge 2022's icon

    ICM Forum - Official One Film from Each iCM List Challenge 2022

    Ranking #817
  10. 1138
    50's Official Films's icon

    50's Official Films

    Ranking #1138
  11. 1175
    Lots of shorts from the ICM forum's icon

    Lots of shorts from the ICM forum

    Ranking #1175
  12. 1349
    1950s Official's icon

    1950s Official

    Ranking #1349
  13. 1591
    TSPDT Top 250 Directors Filmographies Part I's icon

    TSPDT Top 250 Directors Filmographies Part I

    Ranking #1591
  14. 1828
    Listas's icon


    Ranking #1828
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.