Order by:
  1. 37
    Transgressive (Sally Jane Black)'s icon

    Transgressive (Sally Jane Black)

    Ranking #37
  2. 1027
    TimeOut's 1000 Films to change your life (2006)'s icon

    TimeOut's 1000 Films to change your life (2006)

    Ranking #1027
  3. 259
    Time Out's best horror films's icon

    Time Out's best horror films

    Ranking #259
  4. 1065
    Time Out's 1000 Films to Change Your Life's icon

    Time Out's 1000 Films to Change Your Life

    Ranking #1065
  5. 314
    The Skandies's icon

    The Skandies

    Ranking #314
  6. 448
    The Guardian's 1000 Films to See Before You Die's icon

    The Guardian's 1000 Films to See Before You Die

    Ranking #448
  7. 232
    The Empire Five-Star 500's icon

    The Empire Five-Star 500

    Ranking #232
  8. 19
    Soundvenue's 50 Best Foreign Films of the 21st Century's icon

    Soundvenue's 50 Best Foreign Films of the 21st Century

    Ranking #19
  9. 518
    Sight & Sound 2012 Greatest Films of All Time Critics List (2+ votes)'s icon

    Sight & Sound 2012 Greatest Films of All Time Critics List (2+ votes)

    Ranking #518
  10. 7
    Reverse Shot’s Best of 2003's icon

    Reverse Shot’s Best of 2003

    Ranking #7
  11. 393
    Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study's icon

    Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study

    Ranking #393
  12. 44
    Movies are Prayers's icon

    Movies are Prayers

    Ranking #44
  13. 79
    Los Angeles Film Critics Circle: Best Films of the 2000 Decade's icon

    Los Angeles Film Critics Circle: Best Films of the 2000 Decade

    Ranking #79
  14. 225
    Letterboxd's most liked list: You're not the same person once the film has finished's icon

    Letterboxd's most liked list: You're not the same person once the film has finished

    Ranking #225
  15. 4119
    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies's icon

    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies

    Ranking #4119
  16. 10
    jimbotender's Erotic & Sexually Explicit Films's icon

    jimbotender's Erotic & Sexually Explicit Films

    Ranking #10
  17. 301
    Horror! 333 Films to Scare You to Death's icon

    Horror! 333 Films to Scare You to Death

    Ranking #301
  18. 308
    Horror Film: A Critical Introduction's icon

    Horror Film: A Critical Introduction

    Ranking #308
  19. 49
    Hitfix: Drew McWeeny's The 50 Best Films Of 2000 - 2009's icon

    Hitfix: Drew McWeeny's The 50 Best Films Of 2000 - 2009

    Ranking #49
  20. 25
    Film Comment’s End of Year Critics’ Poll 2003's icon

    Film Comment’s End of Year Critics’ Poll 2003

    Ranking #25
  21. 122
    Film Comment's 150 Best Films of the Decade (2000s)'s icon

    Film Comment's 150 Best Films of the Decade (2000s)

    Ranking #122
  22. 531
    Empire Magazine - All 5-Star Rated Films's icon

    Empire Magazine - All 5-Star Rated Films

    Ranking #531
  23. 15
    Beyond Hollywood: 21st Century International Film's icon

    Beyond Hollywood: 21st Century International Film

    Ranking #15
  24. 152
    BBC Culture's 'The 21st Century's 100 Greatest Films: Who Voted?' (All films)'s icon

    BBC Culture's 'The 21st Century's 100 Greatest Films: Who Voted?' (All films)

    Ranking #152
  25. 1052
    1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (All Editions Combined)'s icon

    1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (All Editions Combined)

    Ranking #1052
  26. 1057
    1001 movies you must see before you die (all editions)'s icon

    1001 movies you must see before you die (all editions)

    Ranking #1057
  27. 104
    1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die - Deleted's icon

    1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die - Deleted

    Ranking #104
  28. 535
    1001 Movies That Shocked the World: A Chronology of Cult, Horror and Banned Films's icon

    1001 Movies That Shocked the World: A Chronology of Cult, Horror and Banned Films

    Ranking #535
  29. 465
    1,000 Best Movies on DVD by Peter Travers of Rolling Stone's icon

    1,000 Best Movies on DVD by Peter Travers of Rolling Stone

    Ranking #465
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.