Order by:


  1. 7
    Warner Film Noir Classics's icon

    Warner Film Noir Classics

    Ranking #7
  2. 18
    Another 100 Film Noirs (BFI Screen Guide)'s icon

    Another 100 Film Noirs (BFI Screen Guide)

    Ranking #18
  3. 31
    Fritz Lang's Filmography's icon

    Fritz Lang's Filmography

    Ranking #31
  4. 39
    962 Noir Films from They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (including TSPDT's 250 Quintessential Noir Films)'s icon

    962 Noir Films from They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (including TSPDT's 250 Quintessential Noir Films)

    Ranking #39
  5. 39
    250 Quintessential Noirs (outdated)'s icon

    250 Quintessential Noirs (outdated)

    Ranking #39
  6. 56
    Paste's The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time's icon

    Paste's The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time

    Ranking #56
  7. 56
    Paste's The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time's icon

    Paste's The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time

    Ranking #56
  8. 58
    Essential Films Noir's icon

    Essential Films Noir

    Ranking #58
  9. 59
    DVD Beaver Essential Film Noir's icon

    DVD Beaver Essential Film Noir

    Ranking #59
  10. 83
    DigitalDreamDoor 100 Greatest Film Noir's icon

    DigitalDreamDoor 100 Greatest Film Noir

    Ranking #83
  11. 180
    Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era (1940-1959)'s icon

    Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era (1940-1959)

    Ranking #180
  12. 192
    The Art of Noir - Eddie Muller's icon

    The Art of Noir - Eddie Muller

    Ranking #192
  13. 214
    Combined Film Noir List's icon

    Combined Film Noir List

    Ranking #214
  14. 272
    Wikipedia - Classic Film Noir's icon

    Wikipedia - Classic Film Noir

    Ranking #272
  15. 505
    A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Film Noir: The Essential Reference Guide's icon

    A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Film Noir: The Essential Reference Guide

    Ranking #505
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