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  1. 10
    Peter Berg Filmography's icon

    Peter Berg Filmography

    Ranking #10
  2. 17
    Vus au ciné (2018) 's icon

    Vus au ciné (2018)

    Ranking #17
  3. 59
    Watched in 2024's icon

    Watched in 2024

    Ranking #59
  4. 78
    Box-Office 2018 (Top 100)'s icon

    Box-Office 2018 (Top 100)

    Ranking #78
  5. 80
    Sneak Previews's icon

    Sneak Previews

    Ranking #80
  6. 177
    There’s Something Mysterious in These Movie Plots's icon

    There’s Something Mysterious in These Movie Plots

    Ranking #177
  7. 188
    John Milton's Films of 2018 - Ranked's icon

    John Milton's Films of 2018 - Ranked

    Ranking #188
  8. 189
    Jeff D Lowe Top 205 Movies of 2018's icon

    Jeff D Lowe Top 205 Movies of 2018

    Ranking #189
  9. 219
    Movies Viewed 2018's icon

    Movies Viewed 2018

    Ranking #219
  10. 260
    Filmes e Séries já assistidos's icon

    Filmes e Séries já assistidos

    Ranking #260
  11. 307
    2018 in Film's icon

    2018 in Film

    Ranking #307
  12. 397
    We Hate Movies's icon

    We Hate Movies

    Ranking #397
  13. 772
    1001 popular movies at the 2010s box-office's icon

    1001 popular movies at the 2010s box-office

    Ranking #772
  14. 870
    Videoland: All movies currently on Dutch Videoland's icon

    Videoland: All movies currently on Dutch Videoland

    Ranking #870
  15. 1055
    Prime Video: All movies currently on Dutch Prime Video's icon

    Prime Video: All movies currently on Dutch Prime Video

    Ranking #1055
  16. 1259
    Encyclopédie du Film Noir Vol II's icon

    Encyclopédie du Film Noir Vol II

    Ranking #1259
  17. 2540
    La lista di VER's icon

    La lista di VER

    Ranking #2540
  18. 3917
    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 2010s Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 2010s Complete List

    Ranking #3917
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.