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  1. 15
    Israeli Film: A Reference Guide's icon

    Israeli Film: A Reference Guide

    Ranking #15
  2. 104
    Filmography of World History's icon

    Filmography of World History

    Ranking #104
  3. 143
    Available online with English subtitles: Israel's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: Israel

    Ranking #143
  4. 219
    FB temp 1989 Watch List's icon

    FB temp 1989 Watch List

    Ranking #219
  5. 597
    In Competition at Venice's icon

    In Competition at Venice

    Ranking #597
  6. 696
    Dennis Grunes: A short chronology of world cinema's icon

    Dennis Grunes: A short chronology of world cinema

    Ranking #696
  7. 706
    Venice Film Festival Golden Lion Nominees's icon

    Venice Film Festival Golden Lion Nominees

    Ranking #706
  8. 740
    Films on 1 official list Part1's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part1

    Ranking #740
  9. 820
    Tom Vick's Asian Cinema: A Field Guide's icon

    Tom Vick's Asian Cinema: A Field Guide

    Ranking #820
  10. 1147
    FB iCM Official Lists catch-up's icon

    FB iCM Official Lists catch-up

    Ranking #1147
  11. 1724
    Full Frontal Male Nudity (aka penis?)'s icon

    Full Frontal Male Nudity (aka penis?)

    Ranking #1724
  12. 1782
    Films on 1 official list Part 3/3's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part 3/3

    Ranking #1782
  13. 2047
    1980s Official's icon

    1980s Official

    Ranking #2047
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