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mdclarke's avatar


7 years 1 month ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


I enjoyed it but it's not as amazing as the oscar buzz is making it out to be.

The plot followed a relatively traditional pattern.
7 years ago
Shazaaaam's avatar


Pros: Stunning direction and design; great performances, espec. by Sally Hawkins in the lead; terrific ending.

Cons: Few unpredictable or surprising moments in the plot or dialogue; Michael Shannon's cardboard villain that even his talent can't do anything with; extremely lazy 1960 "period detail" (housewives, Cadillacs, Jell-O molds, etc.).

Definitely worth a watch, but I think I'd prefer any other best picture nominee this year to win over this one. (So far I've seen 7 of the other 8).
7 years ago
iramannamari's avatar


I truly wanted to enjoy this film, since it was suggested to me by one of my best friends. This movie wants to be about tolerance, about acceptance of the Other. Great intention, but it doesn't manage to build up to it, plotwise it remains generic, with predictable twists, easily digestible metaphors and "message". The antagonist is not interesting at all, no matter how spoiler.
And that same old cliché of Americans vs. Soviets as background for a conflict... maybe it's my fault that I expect more than that. (Yes, the sets and sometimes the atmosphere are enchanting, Elisa and Giles are cute, I'll admit that.)
The development of the relationship between Elisa and the creature was so forced I could hardly find it endearing or anything like that. And the only reason Elisa clings to this "love" is that she feels the "Asset" and her are alike --- so in the end it is not even about accepting, understanding and perhaps loving the Other, the one that is different from us! (Also, this interesting creature is represented with such obvious anthropomorphic features - another proof of how humans can only comprehend and accept what conforms to their own likeness, and while trying to prove otherwise, the film commits the same mistake - this contradiction is what bugged me the most during it.)
6 years 11 months ago
DogbaneDan's avatar


The Shape of Water is a beautiful film.

Every single performance is spot on, the art direction is outstanding, and the story offers up a lot more than the "they showed it all in the trailer" expectations.

Guillermo del Toro needs to make movies for the rest of his life, because he seems to be getting better with every offering.
7 years 2 months ago
Film Noir World's avatar

Film Noir World

Spoiler theory spoiler
Glorious film.
6 years 11 months ago
Pauljt1980's avatar


Really don’t know what the fuss was about. Not Del Toros best by a mile, that falls to Pans Labyrinth
6 years 11 months ago
ntan's avatar


Guillermo del Toro's love affair with monsters, dark fantasy, and violence continues with The Shape of Water, but here we see something we haven't really seen before from him - romance.

A beautiful romance between a creature called the Asset and a mute woman named Elisa, who happen to be the standout performances of the film. Though Shannon and Jenkins are great in supporting roles, it is creature performer Doug Jones and Sally Hawkins who steal the show.

I expect Oscar wins for Best Actress (Hawkins) and Original Score (Alexandre Desplat), with del Toro as a possible Best Director.
7 years 2 months ago
crosky's avatar


Just found out that the entire thing is stolen from "Let Me Hear You Whisper". What a shame.
6 years 5 months ago
Nilsmedskills's avatar


I love Sally Hawkins
6 years 6 months ago
Agrimorfee's avatar


Siskoid said:
" it's on one level about the destructive nature of progress (which is tied to Ugly Americanism), which does away with all the things the director feels nostalgia for, a future of acid greens washing over the film."

Indeed, and look at all of the green objects desired or demanded of others. The jello. The Caddy ("Teal!"--ok, whatever). The uniforms of the cleaning crew. I took away more than just the cute romantic story, but also examinations of greed, capitalism and intolerance. Yeah, some might say it hits you over the head with it. Dunno, i think the sweetness of the story (I also liked how music and the movies played a huge role in the romance) and Del Toro's style tempers the cynical symbolism down.
6 years 10 months ago
danisanna's avatar


Enjoyable and beautifully made. However, I was not head over heels in love with it. I did love the typical Del Toro dark fairy tale poetry vibe behind it.
6 years 11 months ago
peterskb45's avatar


I liked this movie. I had my issues with it (most of the side characters were underdeveloped) but the movie itself was beautiful and the creature was great. Was it the Best Picture of 2017? No. But still enjoyable nonetheless.
6 years 11 months ago
Boei's avatar


Apart from the beautiful set design and cinematography I thought it was pretty bad.. Story is ridiculous and unbelievable. Buildup is bad and overall the movie in very unexciting.
1 year 7 months ago
Jontaquestion's avatar


Guillermo Del Toro's movies always looks and sounds beautiful, this is no exception. However. It all comes down to you buying into that Sally Hawkins REALLY wants to fuck a fish man. Imagine if no one had ever seen a gorilla before, and these scientist managed to get a hold on a real clever one.
7 years ago

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