Order by:
  1. 411
    All in one. Sci-fi lists and nominees's icon

    All in one. Sci-fi lists and nominees

    Ranking #411
  2. 748
    All in one. VFX lists and nominees (Visual and Special Effects)'s icon

    All in one. VFX lists and nominees (Visual and Special Effects)

    Ranking #748
  3. 348
    AWFJ Alliance of Women Film Journalists Award nominees (Eda)'s icon

    AWFJ Alliance of Women Film Journalists Award nominees (Eda)

    Ranking #348
  4. 17
    Female frontal nudity's icon

    Female frontal nudity

    Ranking #17
  5. 29
    Female Masturbation's icon

    Female Masturbation

    Ranking #29
  6. 340
    Hugo Awards: Best Dramatic Presentation (Sci-Fi & Fantasy)'s icon

    Hugo Awards: Best Dramatic Presentation (Sci-Fi & Fantasy)

    Ranking #340
  7. 55
    Interspecies love's icon

    Interspecies love

    Ranking #55
  8. 1068
    Movies mentioned as "feminist"'s icon

    Movies mentioned as "feminist"

    Ranking #1068
  9. 116
    Nebula Awards: Best Script or Presentation (Sci-Fi & Fantasy)'s icon

    Nebula Awards: Best Script or Presentation (Sci-Fi & Fantasy)

    Ranking #116
  10. 1421
    ranked GSSRM/MOGII meta-list by Fergenaprido's icon

    ranked GSSRM/MOGII meta-list by Fergenaprido

    Ranking #1421
  11. 43
    Saturn Awards: Best Fantasy Film (all nominees)'s icon

    Saturn Awards: Best Fantasy Film (all nominees)

    Ranking #43
  12. 302
    Saturn Awards: nominees's icon

    Saturn Awards: nominees

    Ranking #302
  13. 948
    Sex and Eroticism in Film. A chronological list.'s icon

    Sex and Eroticism in Film. A chronological list.

    Ranking #948
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.