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  1. 11
    Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej's 100 Years of Polish Film's icon

    Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej's 100 Years of Polish Film

    Ranking #11
  2. 14
    szaretrilby's fav <400's icon

    szaretrilby's fav <400

    Ranking #14
  3. 40
    Available online with English subtitles: Poland's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: Poland

    Ranking #40
  4. 48
    Marek Haltof's Polish National Cinema - Selected Filmography (excluding lost films)'s icon

    Marek Haltof's Polish National Cinema - Selected Filmography (excluding lost films)

    Ranking #48
  5. 91
    Top 100 Movies from Poland's icon

    Top 100 Movies from Poland

    Ranking #91
  6. 102
    World War II movies in top lists's icon

    World War II movies in top lists

    Ranking #102
  7. 103
    Muzeum Kinematografii w Łodzi's Best Polish Films's icon

    Muzeum Kinematografii w Łodzi's Best Polish Films

    Ranking #103
  8. 349
    All war movies ever made (1914-1975)'s icon

    All war movies ever made (1914-1975)

    Ranking #349
  9. 401
    1940s Official's icon

    1940s Official

    Ranking #401
  10. 984
    40's Official Films (2019-09)'s icon

    40's Official Films (2019-09)

    Ranking #984
  11. 1455
    Watchlist X's icon

    Watchlist X

    Ranking #1455
  12. 2223
    Films on 2 official lists's icon

    Films on 2 official lists

    Ranking #2223
  13. 2313
    Films on exactly 2 official lists's icon

    Films on exactly 2 official lists

    Ranking #2313
  14. 4668
    Film Fanatic Book Two (Addendum 3)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (Addendum 3)

    Ranking #4668
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.