Order by:


  1. 2
    WriterJump's Different From The Others & 70 LGBTQ+ Films That Helped Change The World's icon

    WriterJump's Different From The Others & 70 LGBTQ+ Films That Helped Change The World

    Ranking #2
  2. 6
    Drapeau-LGBT.fr's Notre sélection des meilleurs films gays's icon

    Drapeau-LGBT.fr's Notre sélection des meilleurs films gays

    Ranking #6
  3. 8
    Russell Crowe Filmography's icon

    Russell Crowe Filmography

    Ranking #8
  4. 9
    Golden Globes 2019 nominees's icon

    Golden Globes 2019 nominees

    Ranking #9
  5. 12
    76th Golden Globe Awards Nominees's icon

    76th Golden Globe Awards Nominees

    Ranking #12
  6. 13
    2019's icon


    Ranking #13
  7. 18
    Queer 's icon


    Ranking #18
  8. 20
    Termômetro 2019's icon

    Termômetro 2019

    Ranking #20
  9. 42
    Golden Globes - Acting Nominees's icon

    Golden Globes - Acting Nominees

    Ranking #42
  10. 46
    /r/TrueFilm Top 2018's icon

    /r/TrueFilm Top 2018

    Ranking #46
  11. 57
    GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Film's icon

    GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Film

    Ranking #57
  12. 59
    2018-19 Awards Season's icon

    2018-19 Awards Season

    Ranking #59
  13. 76
    Jeff D Lowe Top 205 Movies of 2018's icon

    Jeff D Lowe Top 205 Movies of 2018

    Ranking #76
  14. 79
    Rotten Tomatoes' 200 Best LGBT Movies of All Time's icon

    Rotten Tomatoes' 200 Best LGBT Movies of All Time

    Ranking #79
  15. 112
    LWLies Recommends*'s icon

    LWLies Recommends*

    Ranking #112
  16. 122
    Political Film Society Award's icon

    Political Film Society Award

    Ranking #122
  17. 125
    movies on me now's icon

    movies on me now

    Ranking #125
  18. 147
    This Had Oscar Buzz's icon

    This Had Oscar Buzz

    Ranking #147
  19. 152
    Movies with an LGBTQ+ Storyline, Subplot, Subtext or Characters's icon

    Movies with an LGBTQ+ Storyline, Subplot, Subtext or Characters

    Ranking #152
  20. 154
    Focus Features's icon

    Focus Features

    Ranking #154
  21. 243
    2018 Movies's icon

    2018 Movies

    Ranking #243
  22. 405
    GLAAD Media Awards's icon

    GLAAD Media Awards

    Ranking #405
  23. 435
    2018 in Film's icon

    2018 in Film

    Ranking #435
  24. 451
    Political Film Society Award Winners and Nominees's icon

    Political Film Society Award Winners and Nominees

    Ranking #451
  25. 595
    ranked GSSRM/MOGII meta-list by Fergenaprido's icon

    ranked GSSRM/MOGII meta-list by Fergenaprido

    Ranking #595
  26. 957
    Sex and Eroticism in Film. A chronological list.'s icon

    Sex and Eroticism in Film. A chronological list.

    Ranking #957
  27. 1201
    ICM Forum's Favourite LGBTQ+ Films - All Votes's icon

    ICM Forum's Favourite LGBTQ+ Films - All Votes

    Ranking #1201
  28. 1201
    iCM Forum's Favorite LGBT movies (all votes)'s icon

    iCM Forum's Favorite LGBT movies (all votes)

    Ranking #1201
  29. 1414
    Film Fanatic Book Two (Addendum 3)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (Addendum 3)

    Ranking #1414
  30. 2907
    Letterboxd 100,000 Watched Club's icon

    Letterboxd 100,000 Watched Club

    Ranking #2907
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.