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Siskoid's avatar


You wouldn't think, watching the most recent adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma, that it's director Autumn de Wilde's first feature (after working in music videos for 15 years), because it's so damn good and polished! I mean, the text is already strong, so what she seems to have done is focus on the physical - comic bits of business, expressions, choreography - the best part undoubtedly being the complete embarrassment felt by the servants in the background at being among these high society fops and gossips. Bill Nighy is also a comic highlight, no surprise there, but he's not alone by any means. Leaning into the comedy as it does nevertheless doesn't stifle the story's emotionality, and our middle class hearts still go out to Emma, her best friend/pet project, and the annoying chatterbox Miss Bates. I will admit I sometimes get lost in Austen's stories when there are too many handsome boys with tall hats that I couldn't possibly be expected to tell apart, but I don't care so much here. Emma (period) is just such a delight (period).
4 years 11 months ago
Axel Fritzler's avatar

Axel Fritzler

"I refused Mr. Martin for you....and you're a virgin who can't drive."
4 years ago
daisyaday's avatar


There should be a period after the title.
4 years 11 months ago
Saniss's avatar


Autumn de Wilde, for a first feature, offers us a take on Jane Austen's novel with very strong directorial choices. Almost every frame is a painting, and everything feels very precious and thought out, as to remind us constantly we're in a world of appearance and etiquette, to the point of irony. At times, I could have been convinced I was watching a Wes Anderson movie. Every aspect has something comedic to it, in the framings, the motions, the music. And just like a Wes Anderson movie, the focus is really on the performances. Every actor gets to shine at all times and we could as well be sitting in a theater.

A very meticulously crafted movie, thoroughly entertaining even if you're not familiar with the original material.
1 year 7 months ago
Neens's avatar


A quirky adaptation of Emma that borders on the bizarre. A visual feast with music choices that are eccentric in the extreme. Mia Goth outacts the entire rest of the cast and is utterly delightful in the role as Harriet Smith. I am sure I'll watch it again, as I love all things Austen, but I can't say I liked it very much. The 'perfect' adaptation of Emma is yet to be made, but the version starring Kate Beckinsale is still the best of the lot in my humble opinion.
3 years ago
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