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The Day After Tomorrow (2004)'s comments
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Comments 1 - 15 of 20
NeverTooEarly MoviePredictions
The entire planet's climate changes and millions of people die, but by all means let's focus on one family's story of reunification. As if that's not the kind of small-scale thinking that got us into this situation to begin with.daisyaday
The special effects are the best part of this movie; the plot has so many holes it's laughable.brain015
The only thing missing from this movie was the laugh trackporscheguy19
Bad science. Implausible premise. If you can suspend your disbelief enough, you may like it... I didn't.KuroSawWhat
Hilariously cliche. Oh no, here come the wolves!! lolLet The Flames Begin
Still not a great movie, but so much better than 2012. I strongly dislike that movie, but this one is pretty enjoyable.Samlion
Roland emmerich's climax, it cannot do better in the disaster movie genreKunggi
better than 2012 but still badsqueamish movie lover
Ah it' ok. Nothing special.IreneAdler
Pretty entertaining, nice effects, thrilling... good one!thaisquisito
such a cool movie, used to watch all the time when i was a kidkaffy
I want to check this, but watching 2012 twice doesn't count.Dieguito
Another catastrophic adventure dragging the world down while one family tries to save themselves... Aaaaaahhhh.. volcanos, twisters, armaggedons, etc...Twaps
I agree with Porscheguy19.You could call it ANTI-science.
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