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86 min.
Jarand Herdal
Drama, Thriller, Horror
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2.9% (1:35)
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  1. phosamoeba's avatar


    While the plot is fairly simple (and the "-twist" easy to predict) it was still a new enough concept in post-apocalyptic horror that it appealed to me at first. But sadly it ended up being a 'not-as-good-as-it-could've-been' kind of movie.

    The first half of the movie felt like a big missed opportunity. I found it didn't play on the "to what extent is this part of the play?" side nearly as much as it could have, and unfortunately left little to no doubt about what the plot-twist was going to be, making it a lot weaker than intended.

    The character writing was pretty poor as well, making some characters -accidentally- quite detestable. The decisions that they made throughout the movie were incomprehensible and felt written in at the last minute to get the story going spoiler.

    On a better note though: the decor - both the post-apocalyptic city and the hotel - were plenty interesting and writing aside it was a well produced and well shot film.

    Now, I must talk about the ending though... spoiler
    4 years 2 months ago
  2. Moresbi's avatar


    While it could have been (even) better, I thought this was a good movie and enjoyed it.

    @ ch1kyu spoiler
    3 years 11 months ago
  3. Rasheru's avatar


    80% of the plot hinges on the main couple, who live in a dangerous post-apocalyptic world, to not pay attention to their daughter while exploring a hotel. They nearly lose track of her in the staircase, then catch up, then they argue about it, while looking away from their daughter. She, again, walks away. Then she vanishes. Who doesn't keep an eye on their child while in an unfamiliar, dark location? Twice?

    The tone at the start was very good. It was super obvious that spoiler but at least they built the tension well about when and how it would happen.

    But knowing what the big bad guy's plan is in the end, it seems really unnecessary to put on a show. Just offer the free meal and free night's stay at the hotel? It'll achieve the same goal, plus the guests will be asleep and vulnerable?

    The masks are barely utilized. I think just once near the end they're used by Leo to cause confusion in a clever way, but I think that's really it. They want to distinguish guests from employees/actors, but we see many guests take them off very quickly.

    Lots and lots of little holes like that makes me unable to recommend the movie, despite its strong start.
    1 month 4 weeks ago
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