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The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)'s comments
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Comments 1 - 15 of 75
It's like a movie from 1996 that somehow got released in 2012.dippygirl78
This is a great coming of age movie and made me yearn to be young again.Siskoid
Probably a film that works best on teen audiences who are going through these things, it nonetheless had interesting things to say to this adult. Considering I was a teenager in the era represented (just a couple years younger than the characters, judging by the music they love), I should have connected to it more, but it just seemed so urbane to me. Maybe I just wasn't one of the rich kids. Or it's a case of looking at it from this era's perspective, with today's sensitivity towards mental health issues especially. Stephen Chbosky who wrote the book also made the film and probably lived this life; I don't dispute its reality. I do wish he'd relied less on narration, a trope I often find dull and unnecessary, but that often comes up in book adaptations. Maybe he had difficulty letting go of the book's details. This kind of reads as a negative review, but it's not. The movie had plenty of great moments, a good soundtrack, many things that rang true... I'm just struggling to explain my general ambivalence. I came out of the experience calling it "cute", and that's nowhere near what I wanted to feel from it.filmyjo
overrated? yes.. just watchable once for emma watson..rociwi
How can be Heroes so hard to find?Unfortunate Synopsis
Terrible portrayal of an introvert, reinforcing the stereotype that if someone isn't expressive then there is something "wrong" with them and that they are likely to do harm to themselves and to others. It leaves viewers thinking the introverts of the world are "struggling" if they don't break out of their shell and play the extrovert's game.If you really want to show the perks of being a wallflower, portray the introvert coming out ahead by thoughtful contemplation, a diligent work style and a strong moral compass while the loud and boastful extrovert jumps headstrong into mistakes. Then show the extrovert scratching his head in bewilderment at how his overconfidence was his own demise.
Loved the soundrack, hated the movie. It was quite slow.Liv Ullmann
Am I the only one who thinks this is an overrated movie?cathedra
beautiful to the bone, i wanted to explode the entire movie, but in a good way.ruatip
was a good adaptation of the book, actors were what i imagined, except for emma watson. I don't hate her, I just don't think she does accents very well. apart from that, she is great at capturing the required emotions which still makes her a good actress.ermi
Apart from boring me to death, what made me hate this movie this much, is the caricaturistic portrayal of a disturbed so-called "introvert". FYI, for a real introverted outcast, who doesn't dare to utter "Charles Dickens" in class, with a history of being molested and feeling such intense remorse, there's no chance in hell he would get naked like that in front of such crowd and do those rocky-horror-picture-show atrocities, attract that many attractive girls and "cool" boys and not get beaten his living crap out after punching those 3 muscular guys. It's simply not the case. At least not so fast that's depicted in the movie.Come on dear "expert" IMDB voters (i.e, high schoolers who dig teen movies). You really believe this is one of the best 250 movies EVER MADE?
When you see a film that hits you on so many levels, there are hardly any other films in the universe you can relate to more than this. #ThatFeeling!!The Perks is about being different. Being the one who not in a good way stands out in a crowd. Being the one who has not the same interests as everyone else. Being the one who behaves a little bit different than what is expected to be "normal". And not giving one single ounce of crap about it!
This is the film for all of us outsiders out there. We, who dared to speak our own mind, regardless of what other people said about it. Thank you, Stephen Chbosky, for writing this story. It made us realize we are not alone out there!
Oh god does this ever hit the nostalgia notes -- both good and bad. Such a lovely film.Dewsions
To me it was beautiful, because it made me realise the small moments of life and the acting was amazing in parts.seeseanator
I've had a long time crush on Logan Lerman, so when my friend invited to me to see it I really had no expectations for it. Wow I was completely blown away. Fantastic film. I bought the book that night, saw the movie again, and bought it the day it came out. I would definitely recommend.Showing items 1 – 15 of 75