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Comments 31 - 45 of 75

lucynevin's avatar


Absolutely blown away by this film! Had very low expectations, but was really surprised how ungeneric a teen movie it was and the gritty, uncomfortable issues it dealt with. Amazing turns by Ezra Miller and Logan Lehrman also.
11 years 9 months ago
vivienblue_06's avatar


Good good film, everything is in there. Emma was pretty and great although struggling a bit on her accent and Logan did it this time, his character suits him and I think he's a lil' cutie in this film. Lastly, I was really interested with their soundtrack.
11 years 10 months ago
firewordsparkler's avatar


I've seen this four times, and it feels like the first every time I watch it. It's amazing.
11 years 11 months ago
dianrashall's avatar


The movie gives a vivid background to llife of each characters. It doesn't only focus on the main role but all the characters have the biggest impact aswell to the story itself. Worth to see, it makes you think about family and friends.
11 years 11 months ago
Agrimorfee's avatar


Emma! Oh Emma...Emma!
11 years 11 months ago
aniforprez's avatar


excellent movie. really good acting by everyone and logan lerman gives an outstanding performance, a far cry from the disappointment of percy jackson. i began to suspect the twist a good while before it happened and i was glad that wasn't the whole point of the movie, to deliver that twist. it was more about how a broken boy deals with what he has been through and how he finds help in a most unlikely place.

11 years 11 months ago
Jurke's avatar


Great movie with an excellent plot and amazing acting. I
11 years 12 months ago
jamesmcavoy's avatar


This film was absolutely amazing! I kept off watching it for so long because I thought it wouldn't be that great, especially since I usually don't like high school movies and since I haven't heard any really good things about it, but then tonight I got bored and decided to watch it. And boy am I glad I did! I sat through the whole thing with a smile on my face, except for the parts where I bawled like a baby. The soundtrack was excellent and the acting was great. Never realised what an impressive actor Logan Lerman actually is, but he blew me away with this one. Obviously really loved this movie, from start to end, and will probably watch it again and again.
12 years ago
sammysin's avatar


Really interesting and quick watch. I can definitely see myself coming back to this again.
12 years ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

The work of the lead actors was excellent, Logan Lerman, Ezra Miller and Emma Watson were fantastic, Paul Rudd also appears in the movie, that is a big thing for me because i am a huge fan of him, the movie was great and I can relate with some of the characters of the movie
12 years ago
brainfabias's avatar


Absolute gem of a film!...
12 years ago
dirte_lawndre's avatar


Loved it! Took me back to my youth
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


The ending was a little like Usual Suspects. If you are an introvert, or love shy, or even like The Smiths, it's probably because you were molested as a child.
12 years 1 month ago
BennyBlues's avatar


I enjoyed it, but wasn't Michael Cera really available for this one?
12 years 1 month ago
Miguel Oliveira's avatar

Miguel Oliveira

I liked very much the film, it has the right mood!

Could anyone give me more like this type movies to watch?
12 years 1 month ago

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