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The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)'s comments - page 5
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Comments 61 - 75 of 75
Anyway, as a fan of the book, I was looking forward to it. I'm happy to say maybe I was more moved by the film than by the book, especially during the ending. Logan Lerman was amazing Charlie.I believe they took some kind of artistic freedom with David Bowie and because they wanted something to link to the end, because Sam could 'find' the song. The book is set in the early 90s, but still the song is from 77, but didn't achieve major success until much later. Not that it affected any of my enjoyment.
Being an avid admirer of the book, I was both excited and nervous about the movie adaption. I've read the book at least four times, so I thought I would just be able to pick differences apart. But, thankfully, the movie followed the book closely enough, and came off more of a love letter to how amazing the book really is. It seemed to focus more on the relationship between Sam and Charlie more than the book, which really is about Charlie's growth, but it made more sense on screen to play it that way.The acting was really excellent, with Logan Lerman giving a whole new sense of genuine awkward as Charlie. Definitely the stand out to me in the film.
To sum up all these comments (and what I thought about the movie): amazing acting, music, script = amazing film.+ I need to read the book and others (as many as possible) need to see the film.
Utterly phenomenal. I can't believe it doesn't have more checks yet. The acting was above and beyond, the soundtrack was great, and did I mention the acting? Need to read the book as soon as possible.DerekFME
Took me by suprise too. Bloody marvelous stuff (if a bit hipstery).Jook
Loved it, completely took me by surprise.mikhaelmt
Logan Lerman's performance surprised me a lot.tenerio
Amazing movie.Micaescalada
The movie, the book, the soundtrack, everything is beautiful.Angellike
Had me captivated for the most part. Miller and Lerman perform fantastically, Watson is good as well. Definitely one of the best films of 2012.BadFluffy
Yet another "coming of age" story of a boy, made for girls. Yawn.mclorf
i am thinking for watch again and againjamie_atp
irredeemably terriblepaucsie
LOVED it. It is indeed very good.Kosmo Film
This is probably one of the best teen movies in existence. I have always had a special place in my heart for films focusing on that period in one's life, and one that is as emotionally effective with a chemistry between the cast members that is undeniable is something special to behold. This group together is something truly special, and really makes you feel like you would have enjoyed these people, which only works if it feels authentic....
Showing items 61 – 75 of 75