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heat_'s avatar


Seeing some too harsh reviews. Not bad at all. Plot, theme and acting may get boring a bit but photography is good enough.
11 months 2 weeks ago
Toastinator's avatar


An extremely hard watch because of how boring it is. Most of the movie just feels like a bunch of disconnected scenes that go nowhere. None of the characters get developed and all the actors give the same terrible "elementary school play" performance. The germans all come over like cartoon characters and the Belgians all come across like retarded people. For some reason the filmmaker expects us to care about a romance between two main characters. But both characters have no personality and no chemistry together. In their first scene together, they don't get along. In their second scene they're talking about a chicken. And in their third scene they're making out. Wow such great romance, this shit is nearly as good as Attack of the Clones. The ending of the film was unintentionally hilarious and the only time I felt any emotion. The entire runtime I just kept thinking "JUST END ALREADY!!", I think it's safe to say I don't recommend the film.
1 year 3 months ago
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