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Megalopolis (2024)'s activity
Yhi checked this movie 1 hour 24 minutes ago
Agrajag checked this movie 22 hours 16 minutes ago
Tenkmovies checked this movie 3 days 14 hours ago
SimbaLV disliked this movie 5 days 3 hours ago
renlo checked this movie 1 week ago
Pfizze, OttoElPiloto, nononolimits, and 11 others tob, Allan88, poeticgraffiti, Alexios, Zenarcade77, gregmnewman, Bobby Peru, nymets138, sbeck, benitotambara and Nquoid checked this movie 2 weeks 1 day ago
Flip Trotsky, Blocho, kajsaelin, and 5 others bitterduck, Joslim, omiiiiid, Pratip Sinha and josue.a.o checked this movie 3 weeks 1 day ago
rbg, Mun-Ra, stevowally5, and 10 others 1SO, Perez, Kafka, GinaKirsche, Bacaruda, oedipusschmoedipus, AfroButler, heatherly, Tellminator and bvstratum checked this movie 4 weeks 1 day ago
genre fiend -
olympe7 added this movie to their watchlist 1 month ago
marcemedi favorited this movie 1 month ago
Scioptic, Pedro Fraginals, girafa, and 50 others tommy_leazaq, alekzsss, Alec Chalmers, arbolesbailando, Verhoeven, Allan88, gokhan, krysinskiman, PretentiousHip91, jipdeluxe, HenkMul, Onderhond, Icdedppl, Dimitry, an4rk, chonchon12, KoenR, Atreides, cm06mrs, matsflaaten, El Chivo, Kordian, dalecooper, elma24, Camille Deadpan, batat, Carpedudem, marienbad, TheStiff, Ccadenelli, David Rocher, testbildjunkie, airbornePork, Surskit, Nick V. Reys, diegu, catfish, Giannis Andr, JakeHuebner, Cristian Lozano, iawia, marcemedi, john_ryder, oligneisti, Slowlondon, thetallterror, Ivan25flores, changeful, ngbello and Nick Theo checked this movie 1 month 2 weeks ago
... -
wizardinblack, TheStiff, airbornePork and 1 other oligneisti disliked this movie 1 month 3 weeks ago
Rick18, AdamH, blondy2323, and 4 others alanpsantos1989, kybookman, Bodyferr and Mr Blonde added this movie to their watchlist 2 months 1 week ago
owliesomething, BPsandman84, an0m1a, and 79 others alexbergmans, AComplex, alpn00, Prinzhorn, CakeofSugar, Sink, nickant89, cxaps3103, Ilmiocappotto, erselgider, Captain Fatface, Draid, St. Gloede, herne, liljay2k, nodaywithoutb, Downymildew, Mr Ofir, Ollie, Veterini, Brancaleone, joao.rodrigues, florentijn, kingink, _anita_, ucuruju, beavis, Lirik92, Fonzleclay, Traveller, Glasenator, Keejtch, Jook, moldypoldy, Maniacske, jordan251, Lisbeth Salander23, Darth Destroyer, Vaglz, Toastinator, theBelatedLobster, frankikuchi, magnusbe, tommorello, NakedAnt, bluntedmaic, sercancelik, Rakib, Rezgar4788, aryastark, JimEastwood71, Petter, Granto, Patricio Araus, tadfg, Evertore, Nicole1, DimiT, damededragon, clemalice, Finwe, wizardinblack, luke_bonnett, JuanPrice13, Laurens, P. H., DR81, Jamiku, jorranvv, xLOOMERx, MissKubelik, chanu, J29117, FLL2020, luxemburgerC, Anne Puck, domtosco, Mr. LP and lkm13 checked this movie 2 months 2 weeks ago
LuxNatalis, Noa Adams, b2e2n2, and 3 others Fonzleclay, Keejtch and Toastinator disliked this movie 3 months ago
Torgo commented on this movie 3 months agoBizarre. Ultra confused. Occasionally hilariously cheap. Then bold. Unique. Probably a trainwreck. You'd want to see it.
Mouzafphaerre and Groovypb favorited this movie 3 months 2 weeks ago
Musician, Classicist -
KarinaFromField, xdefect, MarionCrane, and 117 others boris kaufman, Amazing Grace, Mouzafphaerre, Erdion, hoogys, kgaard, benuron, b2e2n2, bezdomny_, Cabeceira, muchomorek, ticklingsnails, Sotikatt, LynchFub, hannolini tagliatelle, Manueljs45, SpacePauls, outofcontrol, njyytte, alejo_42, Torgo, wloper, Philm, Ravenbell, shakha, aiwakaiy, Enyalois, Gorro, Mavoy, kaktus774, MariB, Matydos, MCA, acoston, Lurocks, luiserghio, blewis1992, vergili, Nathaniel, greboguru, kzer_za, OTi, Moudihoudi, kliq, LuxNatalis, bgjensen, Czechoslovenia, Sandgrenbrygg, Ramon K, Conrad313, Jordan95, vipul, DeNatale, Dylan Shankly, Frippotronic, Gremlo, Fat_Abbot, iksvecjart, Frydenlund, Noa Adams, mr-ivv, roselovesmovies, Alyanom, xrobin87x, tom001, turtleccv, lindahlfilm, leodelgado01, majikal, theCinephile, kurisu1974, karjeem, walk, alfaDK, Groovypb, jjackson, lampibo, linyok, Bruno_filmes, FrantzRabe, Chris-Andre, BDJCL, VisualAffects, ikatupe, koukol, mp-post, felinologist, hiphopsheek, Alex_z, packbacker, REDO1, Toa_of_Pi, modern_gesprach, Concepterie, Torandril, Hapax488, daydreamDE, Esnaider, Hrnan79, iisys, _JMT_, anpebu6, diegoleonb, JHB, UncompromisingFilms, hurluberlu, Zsombi, ohmywhataguy, krokikroket, Helena Barbosa, pingwin, amechsner, leaves312, Shouldnt, Benassi999, BroWnTyGeR and LORD HORROR checked this movie 3 months 2 weeks ago
jpizzack, neonlampaa, joao.rodrigues, and 3 others Camille Deadpan, Ebbywebby and Qwijybo added this movie to their watchlist 4 months 2 weeks ago
Work. Eat. Watch Movies. Repeat. -
carlinspace, MovieMan2020, aaronli3c, and 193 others shanrath, graveyardtan, Henrus, film.archiv, Gilart, Amuda, Djuric, V012, von rauffenstein, U.F.O. or Die, Bicanic, kongs_speech, alewechsler, AndrewChulchie, spesam04, sidjenkins, MurnauNosferatu, hoffmaneitor, Last Noble Steed, monoglot, Magic Hands 23, peterskb45, CDF, AlexDkad, Sancho, Vzionn, vmbeire, GroupCaptainLionelMandrake, funktrumpet, redlightning, thehorror, essaywhu, 11mackenziew, Disintegrator, Rhaydde, Nachoelbarto, DelphineSeyrig, CeeSnipes, Captain_Zimmermann, ignatzkat, NikolaiDante, dM, patrickjg32, kathzerion, DrPuppykicker, chriscapitolo, nowhereman136, IndyJones, Rich, ScorseseMalick, Fidelio, alen_shime, Batman, TheodorIDontKnow, Tanel, deki, Ruthian23, Esiersdale, Big ander, allisoncm, azzgunther, RainDogX, mchen, Satchmo78, silvia_2_, Mylawen, dandrago01, Huxwell, funky000punky, jiffysquid, Dogtooth, wavy_rancheros, Aronvader, MrTerrific, shenmah, ladysarac, noah364, CRReinders, Oxenfree, EndsInThemselves, MarinTheCinemalcoholic, GruesomeTwosome, A113, tpowmeow, Beae, scintus, Taylor133, rebel scum, cfillak, Tasselfoot, schneid67, PollyCRitt, Eugenours, guitarmas5, kjdoree, goellnerd, philbotomobile, Jay Mars, Moldonado, SnazzMeister, vive_le_cine123654789, celinesthreedots, Lilarcor, LBfan1, linuscaldwell75, vfd88, FullCollapse, gpace1216, LloydMorgan, visi0n, Darkness_prevails, Theamazingjojo, masoo, darrylect, threegee, moviesrshit, Ronet, Paranoid Aykroyd, T-Made, Jinzo, DrWade42, Urameshi7, Jsuislacarte, Jarrett, LibertyValance, simplesyrup, LeMovieBear -SeBADo-, bigman69, MaximusHC11, zhaaaaaaaa, Slylingual24, MaxSparrow, KakeDre, TheSlyDogg, dspilatro, theZeffo, Pete Concrete, Koco, Cinema Acedia, MMDan, mrbauer, argonaut, connordenney, Nanar, Artemisu, Proton, abominablem, b2010, TL, MovingPictures, jungllst, ESG, buddyboybaxter, RevTarthpeigust, coreymaim, Dan-Nile, Filmifanaatik, boingo2000, Old_Glory, Bagrielka, tobias-681, BigDaddy616, B2C3, YUKE YUKE, Matrack, starvingbaby, Dave_The_Hat, AlChiodi, callme Snake, jz3193, CMT, Fletch, Nunnigan, Craigdew, ggc144, Empsall, jacktrewin, Ebbywebby, braidamante, willyfog, sacmersault, Hunting_Will, DrunkenHero, zomgmouse, Fastkit, Puchoo, fetzu, edkrak, martaracz, Roi Merlin, hydra815, baraka92 and tbouwh checked this movie 4 months 2 weeks ago
thestuman101694, Paravail, peterskb45 and 1 other Pete Concrete commented on this movie 4 months 3 weeks agoThis movie crosses so many Rubicons.Is it good? No. Is it bad? Maybe. Is it messy? Hell yes. Is it interesting? Hell yes. Should you watch it? Maybe.More like Megaflopolis, amirite?
chicofireman, rymikes, Mountnjack, and 50 others John Greer, thefilmstage, Gunness, Kupopilika, cccnous, mattsjakk, AnkhWeasel, Tombazio, lflenj, Mgabs, aguecker, mike_89, jwag5, Beatrizfern, Seana, carmines757, san-te, CellarDoor, clayj41, revol, The Man With The Plan, thestuman101694, Advent, tristanb, LydiaM, e-ball, tbrayton, HarryCallahan, Halo_Insider, sic denotatus, Jake Aesthete, JohnBKost, Paravail, Ataraxic, stewartjallan, jonnymarchant8, Wozniak8, Marmalade, BreizhDre, sjphillyvt, klaus78, ryanhogan1990, Max_215, StarsDown, gstcoombs, AllisonSarah, marvelousfloyd7, Shane Brashear, chapteronemanhattan and jarebearthatsme checked this movie 5 months 2 weeks ago
journalist, film critic, cinefile. -
rotatingfish, EivindMN, K_Lamers, and 2 others Mia35 and TalkingElvish checked this movie 9 months ago
Once gave a Sharpie to Alfonso Cuaron. -
asdqwe, Genshiken, Hapax488, and 4 others skycaptain, sercancelik, piggott7 and paulette.wsh added this movie to their watchlist 9 months ago
Showing activity between now and 1 year ago