Pssst, want to check out Forrest Gump in our new look?
- Year
- 1994
- Runtime
- 142 min.
- Director
- Robert Zemeckis
- Genres
- Drama, Romance
- Rating *
- 8.8
- Votes *
- 1,297,989
- Checks
- 143,656
- Favs
- 12,828
- Dislikes
- 864
- Favs/checks
- 8.9% (1:11)
- Favs/dislikes
- 15:1
Top comments
Plot summary: Man with learning disability fails to appreciate the significance of current events. 12 years 5 months ago -
YES, it is a comedy. And you should take it like that! It's not a biography, and if you don´t like F. Gump put into certain situations in history, that is your problem. Forrest was there, believe it or not. 12 years 10 months ago -
this was hilarious at the right times, sad at the right times and touched my heart. it was a beautifully made movie with great (and i mean great) acting by tom hanks. don't know why i waited this long to watch it. but i don't know about #1 comedy. i think that would be my cousin vinnie... 12 years 11 months ago
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smoczek505 checked this movie 3 hours 53 minutes ago
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Chihiro checked this movie 1 day 5 hours ago
Tom Lynch favorited this movie 1 day 13 hours ago
In 25 official lists
This movie ranks #1 in IMDb's Romance Top 50
IMDb's Romance Top 50
1 -
This movie ranks #2 in iCheckMovies's Most Checked
iCheckMovies's Most Chec…
2 -
This movie ranks #5 in IMDb's 1990s Top 50
IMDb's 1990s Top 50
5 -
This movie ranks #11 in IMDb's Top 250
IMDb's Top 250
11 -
This movie ranks #11 in IMDb's Drama Top 50
IMDb's Drama Top 50
11 -
This movie ranks #26 in Box Office Mojo's All Time Adjusted Box Office
Box Office Mojo's All Ti…
26 -
This movie ranks #29 in iCheckMovies's 1990s Top 100
iCheckMovies's 1990s Top…
29 -
This movie ranks #37 in AFI's 100 Years...100 Cheers
AFI's 100 Years...100 Ch…
37 -
This movie ranks #52 in MovieSense 101
MovieSense 101
52 -
This movie ranks #64 in National Board of Review Award - Best Film
National Board of Review…
64 -
This movie ranks #68 in Academy Award - Best Picture
Academy Award - Best Pic…
68 -
This movie ranks #68 in FilmTotaal Forum's Top 100
FilmTotaal Forum's Top 1…
68 -
This movie ranks #69 in Reddit Top 250
Reddit Top 250
69 -
This movie ranks #76 in AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies
AFI's 100 Years...100 Mo…
76 -
This movie ranks #91 in Taschen's 100 All-Time Favorite Movies
Taschen's 100 All-Time F…
91 -
This movie ranks #100 in Golden Globe Award - Best Motion Picture
Golden Globe Award - Bes…
100 -
This movie ranks #138 in Emma Beare's 501 Must-See Movies
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138 -
This movie ranks #150 in FOK!'s Film Top 250
FOK!'s Film Top 250
150 -
This movie ranks #155 in Box Office Mojo's All Time Worldwide Box Office
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155 -
This movie ranks #240 in Empire's The 500 Greatest Movies of All Time
Empire's The 500 Greates…
240 -
This movie ranks #394 in Academy Award - Best Picture Nominees
Academy Award - Best Pic…
394 -
This movie ranks #586 in TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films
TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest F…
586 -
This movie ranks #595 in Library of Congress's National Film Registry
Library of Congress's Na…
595 -
This movie ranks #864 in 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die
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864 -
This movie ranks #943 in David Thomson's Have You Seen?
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