Five cities. Five drivers. Five cab rides. Jim Jarmusch's Night on Earth is sort of like Coffee and Cigarettes... on the road, prefiguring that film. These comic (or sometimes tragi-comic) shorts start in America (L.A.) going East (New York next), and whether because of novelty, or simply stronger stories, the European segments (Paris, Rome and Helsinki) work best for me, and I appreciate how we go into native languages (the credits doing the same is a nice touch too). It's usual for audiences to choose a favorite when dealing with anthology movies, and for me, it's the French sequence. Isaach De Bankolé is great as a proud driver from the Côte d'Ivoire who meets his match when he picks up a blind woman. Once you get used to Roberto Benigni's energy in the Italian sequence, it actually becomes quite funny (I'm not always keen on his hyperactive comedy - in fact, I rarely am - but here, it works). Helsinki ends the film in a more melancholy way, and I like the different color. Generally amusing driver/fare mismatches, I was happy to share the rides while they lasted.
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Comments 1 - 12 of 12
This film was very therapeutic to watch. I'm not sure if it was the driving, or the introduction of new characters. It was just a relaxing film.Patricia Barrera
My favourite segments were the ones in New York and Helsinki.Noura
Enjoyed all segments. However, Rome was my least favorite one.Outcaster
Episode with Matti Pelonpaa is great.Fluegi
I love the night shots of this Jarmusch film. The overall mood is like it is based on Haruki Murakamis books.Siskoid
Five cities. Five drivers. Five cab rides. Jim Jarmusch's Night on Earth is sort of like Coffee and Cigarettes... on the road, prefiguring that film. These comic (or sometimes tragi-comic) shorts start in America (L.A.) going East (New York next), and whether because of novelty, or simply stronger stories, the European segments (Paris, Rome and Helsinki) work best for me, and I appreciate how we go into native languages (the credits doing the same is a nice touch too). It's usual for audiences to choose a favorite when dealing with anthology movies, and for me, it's the French sequence. Isaach De Bankolé is great as a proud driver from the Côte d'Ivoire who meets his match when he picks up a blind woman. Once you get used to Roberto Benigni's energy in the Italian sequence, it actually becomes quite funny (I'm not always keen on his hyperactive comedy - in fact, I rarely am - but here, it works). Helsinki ends the film in a more melancholy way, and I like the different color. Generally amusing driver/fare mismatches, I was happy to share the rides while they lasted.lucabott
Good onefonz
The people who don't like Rome are the ones who don't understand the genius of Roberto BenigniMorvena
Just great. So intelligentluclanty
Love it, one of my favourite moviesairi86ja
Not my favorite Jarmusch film. After the Wynona Ryder segment, I thought the film just went downhill.