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This film contains one of the best creepy-sequence-followed-by-a-shock scenes ever made, some good performances and an often effective atmosphere. However it's also heavily compromised by studio meddling that forced Blatty to make cuts to the movie and insert more explicit call-backs to the original film. The major problems I have with the film: uneven pacing, scenes which don't make sense, a cheesy exorcism and the unnecessary switching back-and-forth of Brad Dourif and Jason Miller to play the same part are products of this interference, and I hope that a director's cut can be released at some point.It's still a lot better than the insultingly bad Exorcist II, the events of which are ignored, although this film is actually careful not to outright contradict it.
Some brilliantly terrifying moments, I really wish it wasn't so frustratingly uneven.americanadian25
Its kind of a mess, but its a fascinating mess. Won't deny that it's a very atmospheric movie with some memorable scares. Worth watching at least once in my opinion.CSSCHNEIDER
The performances are great the script not so much.Kasparius
So damn smart and underrated, stunning performances by George C. Scott and Brad Dourif. Some truly scary moments and a couple of fantastic cinematic ones as well.dianeorbetty
Underrated. I enjoyed the atmosphere, performances, script, everything wasn't too bad in my opinion. Way better than that mess that is Exorcist IISiskoid
So William Peter Blatty, writer of The Exorcist, gets to write and direct an adaptation of his novel Legion, but the suits want to call it The Exorcist III, so okay, let's create some tenuous connective tissue between the original film and this police investigation into religion-fuelled murders. And then when there's no exorcism in it (well, duh), they ask for reshoots and the insertion of an exorcism scene. The result is naturally schizophrenic, but that's perhaps thematically consistent. And who can begrudge the sudden exorcism scene when it's the first time Blatty cuts loose with effects and gore, up to that point presenting the savage, gory murders only in dialog and suggestion (which are still quite effective). George C. Scott is great as the haunted detective - I love his bantery relationship with his priest friend - and then you get Brad Dourif as the possessed killer, well... That's just perfect. A witty script, a spooky atmosphere, and imposed or not, a cool resolution. I was told this was the only Exorcist sequel worth its salt and I wasn't steered wrong.Filmifanaatik
The only Exorcist movie, I truly like.