Order by:


  1. 19
    new shorts's icon

    new shorts

    Ranking #19
  2. 68
    Criterion Collection Themes - Avante-Garde's icon

    Criterion Collection Themes - Avante-Garde

    Ranking #68
  3. 69
    Films consumed 2014's icon

    Films consumed 2014

    Ranking #69
  4. 82
    FB 1968 watch list's icon

    FB 1968 watch list

    Ranking #82
  5. 118
    Scott Macdonald's Avant-Garde Film's icon

    Scott Macdonald's Avant-Garde Film

    Ranking #118
  6. 423
    The Criterion Collection – Blu-ray Releases's icon

    The Criterion Collection – Blu-ray Releases

    Ranking #423
  7. 437
    iCheckMovies - 1000 Most Disliked (Weighted)'s icon

    iCheckMovies - 1000 Most Disliked (Weighted)

    Ranking #437
  8. 460
    All Shorts on iCM Lists's icon

    All Shorts on iCM Lists

    Ranking #460
  9. 490
    Criterion on Hulu's icon

    Criterion on Hulu

    Ranking #490
  10. 521
    Films on 1 official list Part2's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part2

    Ranking #521
  11. 577
    iCM Playhouse (shorts: 45 minutes or less)'s icon

    iCM Playhouse (shorts: 45 minutes or less)

    Ranking #577
  12. 709
    The Criterion Collection's icon

    The Criterion Collection

    Ranking #709
  13. 716
    The Criterion Channel's icon

    The Criterion Channel

    Ranking #716
  14. 772
    The Criterion Channel (part 1)'s icon

    The Criterion Channel (part 1)

    Ranking #772
  15. 1237
    1960s Official's icon

    1960s Official

    Ranking #1237
  16. 1858
    Full List's icon

    Full List

    Ranking #1858
  17. 1858
    Checked's icon


    Ranking #1858
  18. 2029
    Films on 1 official list Part 2/3's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part 2/3

    Ranking #2029
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.