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ebaum1saik's avatar


"The only thing that created...was a seizure..."

That's cool. It's not for everyone. In fact it's only for Throbbing Gristle fans probably and I imagine only some of them will like it. It just seems obvious to me that most people who checked this film probably hadn't even heard of Throbbing Gristle let only actually like them yet they still sat through all 8 minutes of this. Hopefully at least 1 person became a fan :)
13 years 3 months ago
Hunziker's avatar


I feel this short gets too much of a bad wrap. True, it is dizzying to say the least, altough no more than any Brakhage imo. It is not too long, and the faces and voices rapidly passing through greys and oranges create some sense of disturbing, Apocalypse Now-esque ambiance.
6 years 9 months ago
LarsC's avatar


It's a straight forward film which creates an atomsphere through the images that enchances the music.

And it does so successfully.
13 years 6 months ago
MrE2Me's avatar


Uploaded in HD for you fine folks here:

(please PM me if the links stop working)
5 months 3 weeks ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


"At no point did I get anything out of this mess"

What the heck were you trying to get out of it?! There is no hidden secret to life in it. It's a straight forward film which creates an atomsphere through the images that enchances the music.
13 years 10 months ago
Emiam's avatar


Yep. ...
9 years 8 months ago
srhale0012's avatar


"creates an atomsphere through the images that enchances the music"

The only thing that created...was a seizure...
13 years 8 months ago
Armoreska's avatar


I've heard of TG, but this is the first time I hear them, and so far unimpressed

also (mod-edit: dead link removed) now
I'd finished the TG discog, and I like it, esp Hamburger Lady and the 20 Jazz Funk Greats album
11 years 11 months ago
filmcave's avatar


Another experimental turd.
14 years 2 months ago
BlueVoid's avatar


Basically a music video for Throbbing Gristle which is comprised entirely of distorted footage of a T.G. live performance. At no point did I get anything out of this mess, except perhaps a headache. There were flashes of colors and every once and awhile you could make out a person, but that was about all there was too it. I just couldn't really see the point in it.
14 years 7 months ago
John Milton's avatar

John Milton

Indeed never heard of them, and plan to forget them as soon as possible :-)
12 years 4 months ago
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