The whole starting and premise of the movie was awesome but the end half of the film was weird, it's like they decided to change genres halfway through from a comedy to a drama. Those Sweded films were hilarious though.
Be Kind Rewind is one of my favourites. It's very clever and with great humour, also loved seeing the whole community come together and help make movies. Definitely worth a view if your a fan of comedies.
The Michel Gondry picture starring Jack Black and Mos Def as nitwits working at a video store unwilling to join the DVD revolution. When all their tapes get erased by a magnetic field, they start replacing them with homemade versions. It sounds completely stupid, but it's not. By the end, I was most reminded of the Japanese film After Life, about the recently dead making a movie of a moment from their lives before they can move on. It's the same kind of love letter to cinema, and if you have any kind of movie-making aspirations, incredibly inspiring.
Enjoyed this movie a lot. Jack Black did a great job. Unfortunately i feel like this movie isn't going to be appreciated by newer generations that didn't grow up with VHS.
People who don’t like the end must be heartless. This movie brings me to tears every time I watch it. It’s a brilliant ode to cinema itself and how it can bring people together despite whatever may be going on in the real world around them. It’s a love letter to the escapism and connection that film can provide to us as individuals and as a community.
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Comments 1 - 9 of 9
The whole starting and premise of the movie was awesome but the end half of the film was weird, it's like they decided to change genres halfway through from a comedy to a drama. Those Sweded films were hilarious though.dirte_lawndre
Be Kind Rewind is one of my favourites. It's very clever and with great humour, also loved seeing the whole community come together and help make movies. Definitely worth a view if your a fan of comedies.Siskoid
The Michel Gondry picture starring Jack Black and Mos Def as nitwits working at a video store unwilling to join the DVD revolution. When all their tapes get erased by a magnetic field, they start replacing them with homemade versions. It sounds completely stupid, but it's not. By the end, I was most reminded of the Japanese film After Life, about the recently dead making a movie of a moment from their lives before they can move on. It's the same kind of love letter to cinema, and if you have any kind of movie-making aspirations, incredibly inspiring.Justcharmingyou
Enjoyed this movie a lot. Jack Black did a great job. Unfortunately i feel like this movie isn't going to be appreciated by newer generations that didn't grow up with VHS.dajmasta94
People who don’t like the end must be heartless. This movie brings me to tears every time I watch it. It’s a brilliant ode to cinema itself and how it can bring people together despite whatever may be going on in the real world around them. It’s a love letter to the escapism and connection that film can provide to us as individuals and as a community.Sable
When you're walking down the street, and you see a little Ghost. Whatchu gonna do about Ghost BaastaasPriodah
the first part was brilliant, the end...mehMetalmidget
Jack Black does it again people! (in the good way i mean)ViniciusOG