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On cinema at the cinema's avatar

On cinema at the cinema

Cheesy movie that's great to watch with a crowd of people, but other than that it's pretty boring. 2 bags of popcorn.
6 years 10 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Nowhere near as bad as some state it is. It’s a fun time, not as good as the original or 3 but it’s not like crazy bad for the kind of movie it is. It’s weird that two of the main cast from the last one are in this and basically playing the same characters and the same thing happens to them again but it’s also oddly charming? Idk maybe just my extremely low expectations made the movie feel better but it has some cool gore effects and some gags that would’ve been welcomed by fans if they were in the first film. I’m also a sucker for anything with a cast member of twin peaks in it so seeing Bobby Briggs fight zombies was pretty fun for me.
1 year 11 months ago
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