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Comments 1 - 6 of 6

marinajung's avatar


Just perfect!
12 years 8 months ago
NuclearPlanet's avatar


@Krfz @EylemBasakEkinci
I think your talking about a different film :P
13 years 3 months ago
josue.a.o's avatar


For me it's good just as an "educational" movie that aims to explain what Asperger can be in real life, with their weak and strong points, and rises a lot of questions for discussion. It shows most of the issues that people in the autism spectrum have to deal with in their lives. As a movie is average-ish, but as discussion/educational material is very good.

Seems sometimes a bit forced, exagerated and unnatural, too much clichés, etc, and I didn't like the inserted commercials (like the book "Pretending to Be Normal") - maybe I just don't like the american way of mass communication :P

(The movie "X+Y", aka "A Brilliant Young Mind", is much better, it feels more natural and deep)
8 years 4 months ago
NuclearPlanet's avatar


@Krfz @EylemBasakEkinci
I think your talking about a different film :P
13 years 3 months ago
KrisGr's avatar


(removed by mod, please post in English)
12 years 1 month ago
EylemBasakEkinci's avatar


"Click" doesn't, alas. Adam Sandler's recent low-key phase continues with this cleverly conceived but conspicuously unfunny comedy about an overworked dad whose supernatural ability to remote-control his life turns out to be a mixed blessing. Though clearly calculated to appeal to the actor's adolescent male constituency, pic's preference for scatological sight gags over meaningful humor will leave some viewers groping (or at least hoping) for a remote control of their own. Still, the proven draw of a high-concept Sandler vehicle will help the Sony release get off to a healthy start at the summer box office.
13 years 9 months ago
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