Order by:
  1. 1
    Under 1.000 Checks (Worth watching)'s icon

    Under 1.000 Checks (Worth watching)

    Ranking #1
  2. 14
    A Personal Toplist of Belgian Cinema's icon

    A Personal Toplist of Belgian Cinema

    Ranking #14
  3. 16
    Labraxas >400 checks 2023's icon

    Labraxas >400 checks 2023

    Ranking #16
  4. 19
    Belgium in 50 films as seen by Gilles Debil's icon

    Belgium in 50 films as seen by Gilles Debil

    Ranking #19
  5. 46
    laki's fav <400 checks films's icon

    laki's fav <400 checks films

    Ranking #46
  6. 61
    Best Dutch Spoken Movies's icon

    Best Dutch Spoken Movies

    Ranking #61
  7. 82
    Top 100's icon

    Top 100

    Ranking #82
  8. 93
    Film Pegasus Top 100 Flemish Movies's icon

    Film Pegasus Top 100 Flemish Movies

    Ranking #93
  9. 97
    Gorro's Benelux Top List's icon

    Gorro's Benelux Top List

    Ranking #97
  10. 137
    pitn's favourite movies on 0 official lists's icon

    pitn's favourite movies on 0 official lists

    Ranking #137
  11. 225
    Doubling the Canon Nominations 2018 ballot order's icon

    Doubling the Canon Nominations 2018 ballot order

    Ranking #225
  12. 225
    2018 DtC Nominees's icon

    2018 DtC Nominees

    Ranking #225
  13. 250
    Cinemember: All movies currently on Dutch Cinemember's icon

    Cinemember: All movies currently on Dutch Cinemember

    Ranking #250
  14. 272
    Doubling the Canon 2017 nominations's icon

    Doubling the Canon 2017 nominations

    Ranking #272
  15. 323
    Available online with English subtitles: Belgium's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: Belgium

    Ranking #323
  16. 413
    Gorro's 500<400 List - iCM Forum's icon

    Gorro's 500<400 List - iCM Forum

    Ranking #413
  17. 908
    Doubling the Canon Nominations 2018's icon

    Doubling the Canon Nominations 2018

    Ranking #908
  18. 2775
    Non-English films's icon

    Non-English films

    Ranking #2775
  19. 3031
    400_400_List3's icon


    Ranking #3031
  20. 3049
    Film Fanatic Book Two (Sl - Z)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (Sl - Z)

    Ranking #3049
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.