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Raise the Red Lantern
125 min.
Yimou Zhang
Drama, Romance
Rating *
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14.3% (1:7)
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  1.'s avatar

    This movie is a rare visual treat. Extremely vibrant and colorful. Gong Li is flawless. An intriguing and interesting analysis on the fate of women and traditional customs in the early 1900s in China. Women are basically trapped, physically and psychologically, in the 4-walls of their husbands. They obey their husbands like the way servants would to their masters. A man holds absolute power. He does whatever he pleases and can marry as many concubine as he sees fit. He treats his concubines like toys - cherishes them when they're still new and shiny but after a while he'd toss them away as they get old or don't offer anything new. It's a sad peek into the monotonous life of the concubines. Not only they're trapped, they're pushed into a cat and mouse game between the wives to get the master's attention. They'd do whatever it needs to get favor of the husband, namely giving him a son. It's a mad society. No matter how educated a woman is, it's ridiculously hard to get out of the rat race. Excellent movie. 13 years 10 months ago
  2. Flicker's avatar


    Remove this movie from the Romance list immediately 5 years 6 months ago
  3. Siskoid's avatar


    Zhang Yimou's Raise the Red Lantern is as good as the hype would have it, the story of a young woman forced, after the death of her father at the turn of the 20th Century, to get married to a rich lord and become his fourth wife. Cue masterful "court" intrigue as the four women vie for his attentions and the coveted red lanterns, which come to with his sexual favors and a host of other perks, according to oppressive and eccentric family traditions. Interestingly, we never quite see his face, and he is never given a close-up, which might lend credence to the theory that the film works as an allegory for Communist China - each woman representing a facet of society and he the "faceless state" - but I don't know enough about the Chinese socio-political landscape of China (in 1991) to make that call. All I can say is that Raise the Red Lantern is gorgeous, emotional, powerful, and perfectly posed, somehow a visual feast despite its restricted location. 7 years 10 months ago
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  1. This movie ranks #14 in BIFF's Asian Cinema 100
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