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  1. 234
    Leonard Maltin's Must-See Movies 2011 - 365 reviews and recommendations's icon

    Leonard Maltin's Must-See Movies 2011 - 365 reviews and recommendations

    Ranking #234
  2. 384
    The Big Screen - The Story of the Movies (2012) - David Thomson's icon

    The Big Screen - The Story of the Movies (2012) - David Thomson

    Ranking #384
  3. 560
    Dictionary of Films from Jacques Lourcelles's icon

    Dictionary of Films from Jacques Lourcelles

    Ranking #560
  4. 930
    Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide.'s icon

    Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide.

    Ranking #930
  5. 4723
    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies's icon

    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies

    Ranking #4723
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