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Comments 1 - 15 of 89

The_Comatorium's avatar



My Review
10 years 6 months ago
Edward Chamberlin's avatar

Edward Chamberlin

Who the hell actually thinks that Inception is a better movie than this? Really, ICheckMovies?
10 years 6 months ago
TheMajor's avatar


A waste of time compared to Europa Report.
10 years 3 months ago
bionysos's avatar


overrated! period!
10 years 4 months ago
Raesg's avatar


10 years 3 months ago
sureup's avatar


There's a reason everyone is talking about the visuals because the rest is cheap laughs and cheap emotional bullshit. Sorry Sandra, you ain't makin me feel shit.

But yes the visuals are impressive and makes it barely worth watching.
10 years 5 months ago
nicolaskrizan's avatar


Things just keep on happening...

9 years 3 months ago
BadFluffy's avatar


Maybe I'm too demanding. There are so much special effects, surely an actual script wasn't necessary, right?
Maybe I was just bored because I played many video games that felt similar, only I was Sandra Bullock.
Maybe the theatre I went to was just out of the koolaid, I don't know.
10 years 3 months ago
MarkE89's avatar


Technically well-done, even the 3D which nevertheless remains unnecessary. Basically, an indie echo of Avatar; Over-the-top symbolism flying off the screen through dumb characters, silly writing and unimaginative use of space. Literally. Praise-worthy for getting any praise at all. An empty trick trying to con us into believing Bollocks can act and isn't actually a teenage boy (in need of a beating) annoying the shit out of me. Points for exterior (if that term applies in space) visuals only. Otherwise, flat as Bollocks' ass.
10 years 5 months ago
cathedra's avatar


this is awful
8 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


I at first put Gravity in the Captain Phillips camp, i.e. too much of a procedural to have the richness and fullness a true contender needs. But I was soon disabused of that notion. Despite serving as a realistic and exciting accident in space (I'd put it in a The Right Stuff/From the Earth to the Moon/Apollo 13 marathon easily), it's also lyrical and poetic, exploring themes of isolation and connecting to the rest of humanity, and is visually and thematically a story of death and rebirth. It's an incredibly sensual film that puts you in the protagonist's head space all the way through, even the score is from her point of view. Visual and auditory details aplenty, though a certain tactile element as well. Obviously, it looks like it was made for an IMAX experience, but it was no slouch on my TV. I'm a big fan.
8 years 9 months ago
MistahDarcy's avatar


Boring as hell, honestly.
9 years 5 months ago
AaronWest's avatar


I have never truly understood the complaint that the film has "terrible dialogue".

Not every film has to be dense and wittingly written like All About Eve, for example.

People don't actually talk like that in real-life, and if there is one thing that Gravity strived for and did beautifully it was realism.
9 years 9 months ago
dr love's avatar

dr love

i enjoyed that one, but i can't understand why is it in the sci-fi list.
9 years 10 months ago
AaronWest's avatar


I'm surprised at how little people have picked up on obvious religious and evolutionary symbolism, as well as the allegory of death, rebirth, and depression.
The plot is intended to be simple and "hokey" so that these stand through.
10 years ago

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