Order by:


  1. 6
    Cannes 1994 Competition's icon

    Cannes 1994 Competition

    Ranking #6
  2. 15
    Cannes Film Festival - Best Screenplay's icon

    Cannes Film Festival - Best Screenplay

    Ranking #15
  3. 36
    Une histoire du cinéma français V - Today years 80-2000's icon

    Une histoire du cinéma français V - Today years 80-2000

    Ranking #36
  4. 96
    Filmer fra 1995's icon

    Filmer fra 1995

    Ranking #96
  5. 163
    Underrated is a weasel word's icon

    Underrated is a weasel word

    Ranking #163
  6. 167
    Samlions's less < 400 checks's icon

    Samlions's less < 400 checks

    Ranking #167
  7. 175
    Les Comédies à la Française - 250 films incontournables du cinéma comique français's icon

    Les Comédies à la Française - 250 films incontournables du cinéma comique français

    Ranking #175
  8. 360
    Cannes Awards's icon

    Cannes Awards

    Ranking #360
  9. 368
    iCM Forum's Top 250 Highest Rated Obscure Feature Films's icon

    iCM Forum's Top 250 Highest Rated Obscure Feature Films

    Ranking #368
  10. 402
    Explore French Cinema's icon

    Explore French Cinema

    Ranking #402
  11. 480
    Caesar Awards - Acting, Writing & Directing Nominees's icon

    Caesar Awards - Acting, Writing & Directing Nominees

    Ranking #480
  12. 508
    In Competition at Cannes's icon

    In Competition at Cannes

    Ranking #508
  13. 1141
    iCM Forum's Favourite French Films Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite French Films Complete List

    Ranking #1141
  14. 1212
    Festival de Cannes - Longs Métrages EN COMPÉTITION's icon

    Festival de Cannes - Longs Métrages EN COMPÉTITION

    Ranking #1212
  15. 1365
    Film Fanatic Book Two (F-L)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (F-L)

    Ranking #1365
  16. 1962
    Une Histoire du Cinéma français's icon

    Une Histoire du Cinéma français

    Ranking #1962
  17. 2372
    iCM Forum's Favorite Underrated Movies Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favorite Underrated Movies Complete List

    Ranking #2372
  18. 3318
    Available online with English subtitles: France (up to 1999)'s icon

    Available online with English subtitles: France (up to 1999)

    Ranking #3318
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